INDEX TO VOLUME XI. Acidalia rusticata at Shoeburyness, 144 Additions to Epping Forest, further, 268 Alkaloid, remarkable, from a Mexican cactus, 25 Angling in River Lea, half-a-century ago, 143. Anharlonium lewinii, Mexican cactus, exhibited, 25 Annual Meeting, 19th, 29 ; do., 20th, 296. Annual Report, 1898, 18 ; do. 1899, 305 "Aquatic Autocrats and Fairies," Lecture by Enock, 304. Arachnida of Epping Forest, 294 and 315. Athene noctua at Harlow, 142 Avebury, Lord, congratulatory letter to, 259 Avery, John, Christopher Saxton, draughtsman of the first map of Essex, 240 Barking Side, Loom-weight from, presented, 25 Bed, Great, of Ware, 138 Bigods, Village Science School, 161 Bigods, near Dunmow, Vanessa antiopa at, 298 Billericay, White Fox at, 141 Billows, Councillor T. H., on Essex Museum, 322 Birch Trees, Death of, in. Epping Forest, 197 and 273 Bird Life in Epping and New Forests in spring, 53 Bird, New Fossil, from the London Clay, 148 Bird's Nest Fungus (Cyathus) at High Beach, 293 Birds, Wild, Protection of, in Essex, 10 and 25 Blackburn, Rev. E. Percy, colouring of some Essex shells, 271 Black-currant (Ribes nigrum) in Epping Forest, 335 Black-currant gall-mite (Phytoptus), 334 Black-headed Gulls in Essex (1899) 184 ; Report of Gullery in Hamford Waters, 312 Blennius gattorugine in Essex, 143 Botany, History of Essex, 57 ; 169 ; and 229 Botany, Practical instruction in, in London Parks, 147 Boulder Clay, Chalky, in Epping Forest, 55 Boulger, G. S., History of Essex, Botany, 57 ; 169 and 229 Bow Bridge, old drawing of, and remarks on, 303 Bradwell, Nutcracker at, 333 Bramley, E. A. H , Notes on the Lea River, 131 Braintree, Neolithic Settlement at Skitt's Hill, 27 ; 94 Braintree, Notes ou Geology of, 121 Braithwaite, J. O., Gnorimus nobilis in Epping Forest, 54. Brentwood, Symphytum officinale, var. patens, at, 201 Brise, A, W. Ruggles. Note, "Mobbed by Woodpigeons," 333 Britannia Fruit Preserving Farm, visit to, 265 British Association, Corresponding Societies, Report of Delegates (1899), 68 ; (1900) 310 ; Photo- graphs of Geological Interest, exhibition of, 25 Brown, Frank, Bird Life in Epping and New Forests in spring, 53 Brown, Mr., Presents Exchequer Note relating to payment of Keepers in Epping Forest, 27 Buckhurst, Hill, Palmated Newt at, 142 Buxton, E. N., Yardley Hill; the latest addition to Epping Forest, 78 ; Entertains the Club at Knighton, 128 ; Vote of thanks to, 128: Chairman of Meeting in support of Epping Forest Museum, 300 ; Observations on the Museum, 302.