iv. INDEX. Calymnia pyralina at Southend. 144 Canvey Island, sketch of Geology of, 262 Carnivora of Epping Forest, Notes on, 198 Catchfly, Spotted, in Epping Forest, 271 Chalk-derived Waters, Saline Con- stituents of in Essex, 201 Chalky Boulder-clay in Epping Forest, 55 Chancery Wood, near Witham, plants observed at, 265 Charlton, Kent, Geology of, 192 Chelmsford, unique specimen of Well- worm (Phreoryctes) from, 1 Christmas Day. 1900, Plants in flower, 335 Christy, Miller, White-tailed Eagle and Salmon at Harwich in 1666, 76 ; Essex as a Wine-producing county, 34 Clacton, Pleistocene Non-marine Mollusca from, 225 Clark, Percy, Black-headed Gulls in Essex 1899, 18-4 ; Gullery in Hamford Waters, 312 Coast Erosion, Observation of, 69 Cole, B. G., Sea-gulls on the Thames, 142 ; Duration of life of Helix pomatia, 146 Cole, H. A., Original Illustrations, 79 ; Plate IV., p. 154 ; Plate V., 184 Cole, W., Protection of Birds in Essex, 10 ; Queen Elizabeth's Lodge and Epping Forest Museum, 31 ; Yardley Hill the latest addition to Epping Forest, 78 ; Notice of Report on after-effects of High- tide of Nov. 29th, 1897, 83: Otters in Essex, 141 ; Palmated Newt at Buckhurst Hill, 142 ; Glow-worm and frog, 144 ; Notes on Well- shrimp in East Anglia 145 ; Epping Forest Museum, 151 ; Bigods Village Science School, 151 ; Observations on Club's Study of Fungi, 168 ; Supposed occur- rence of Bottle-nosed Dolphin off Maplin Sands, 200 ; Exhibits Essex Crustacea, 258 ; Exhibits Vivipara clactonensis, 261 ; Further additions to Epping Forest, 268 ; Silting- up of Channels off the Essex Coast, 271 ; Explains present position and plans of Epping Forest Museum, 301 ; Destruction of John Ray's house, 331. Conger Eel at Walton, 200 Copford, Pleistocene Shells from, 227 Coriander (Coriandum sativum) at Fowlness, 194 Corporation of London, Thanks to, in connection with Epping Forest Museum, 302 Corresponding Societies' Committee, Report of Delegate 1899, 68; do., 1900, 310 Crabs, oysters attached to 54 ; 200 Crab-trees, blossoming in Epping Forest in 1900, 335 Crag, Walton, Non-marine Mollusca of, 216 Cristatella, Statoblasts of, from Epping Forest, 295 Crouch, Walter, Obituary Notice of Sir W. H, Flower, 243 ; Exhibits portrait of Sir W. H. Flower, 257 ; Varieties of Helix nemoralis, 257 ; Exhibits drawing of Old Bow Bridge, 303 Croydon Natural History Society, joint meeting with, 260 Crustacea, Stalk-eyed, of British Coasts, and references to Essex forms, 252 Cuckoo's changed tune, 270 Cucullia asteris at Southend, 144 Cymatophora ocularis in Epping Forest, 25 Cytisus laburnum-adami, graft-hybrid, from Epping, exhibited, 139 Davis, Mark, Notes by an old angler on Fishes of the Lea, 133 Deer in Epping Forest, census of, 52 Delphinus tursio (Bottle-nosed Dolphin), off the Maplin Sands, 200 ''Dewlands,'' destruction of by fire 331 Dixon, Dr., Exhibits Anharlonium— a cactus containing remarkable alkaloid, 25 Dredging and Trawling excursion, July 20th and 21st, 1900, 291 Duration of life of Helix pomatia, 146 Dymond, T. S., and F. Hughes, After-effects of High-Tide of November 29th, 1897, 83 Eagle, White-tailed, at Harwich, in 1666, 76 Education in Rural Schools, 236 Edwards, Mr. Passmore, elected Honorary Member of the Club, 297 ; Speech of, at opening of the Essex Museum of Natural History, 322