vi. INDEX. Euphorbia esula at Witham, 265. Extinction and diffusion of Mollusca in Essex, 86 Fairmead Lodge, Removal of, 56 Fallow Deer, Dark race in Greenwich Park, 193 Fasciation in the Holly, 55 Fire at Municipal Technical Insti- tute, West Ham, 197 Fire-making appliances, Demonstra- tion of, 49 Fishes of the Lea, Notes on, 133 ; Half a century ago, 143 Flower, Major, Conducts voyage on Lea, 131 Flower, Sir W. H , Obituary notice of, 243; Portrait exhibited, 257 Flowers at Christmas, 1900, 335 Formalin for preserving Hydrozoa, 25 Forest Officers, Warrant for payment of in 1728, 48 Fossils, new, from London Clay. 149 Foster, Sir Michael, "Hopeful- ness of Science," 208 Fowlness, Stone-Curlew at, 53 Fox, catching Woodcock, 52; White, near Billericay, 141 ; versus ferret, 199 French, J., Local extinction and diffusion of Mollusca in Essex, 86 Friend, Rev. Hilderic, British Well-worms, with special reference to a unique specimen from Essex, 1 Frog swallowing a glow-worm, 144 Fungi, Notes on Microscopical, 148 ; Club's study of, 168 ; Microscopical, observed in Forest, 260 ; Two new to Essex, 261 ; Report on Epping Forest, 313 Fungus Foray, 1899, 166 ; 1900, 293 Gall-mite, Black-currant, 334 Gattorigine in Essex, 143 Geological Photographs, Exhibition of, 25 Geology, of the Braintree district, 121 ; of Ilford, 149 ; of Uphall Estate, Ilford, 157 ; of Charlton, Kent, 193 ; of Canvey Island, 262 ; Eocene, of Walton-Naze, 284 ; Thames Valley, Contributions towards Pleistocene Geology of, 336 Gepp, Rev. E., Notes on Essex plants, 201 Glow-worm and frog, 144 Gnorimus nobilis in Epping Forest, 54 Gould, I. Chalkley, Forest Ex- chequer Note, 27, 48 ; Otters in Essex, 199; Waltham Bells, 208 ; O' Brian, the Irish Giant at Loughton, 257 Grays Thurrock, Teeth and palaeo- lithic flakes from, exhibited 295 ; Palaeolithic Implements, from 296 ; Contributions to the Pleistocene Geology of, 336. Gregarine (Coccidium) from Rabbit, exhibited, 24 Gullery in Hamford waters, report on, 312 Gulls, Black-headed, on Thames, 142 ; in Essex in 1899, 184. Hainhault, Forest, Epipactis in, 147 Hamford Waters, Report on Gullery in, 312 Harlow, Little Owl at, 142 Harmer, Dr. Sidney, Well-Shrimp (Niphargus) in East Anglia, 145 Harting, J E, on Epping Forest Museum, 302 Head-quarters of Club, Change of, 260 Helix nemoralis, varieties of, 257 Helix pomatia, duration of life in, 146 Herbarium, on a small Essex, 224 ; Mr. Shenstone's, 223 High-tide of November 29th, 1897, the after-effects of, 83 Hinton, Martin, A. C, on the Pleistocene deposits of Ilford and Wanstead district, 161 ; Exhibits Palaeolithic implements from Grays Thurrock and Wanstead, 296 Hinton, M. A. C, and A. S. Kennard, Pleistocene Geology of Thames Valley Pt. I. ; the Grays Thurrock area, 296 and 336 History of Essex Botany, Pt. I.; 57, 169 and 229 Hollow Pond, Epping Forest, En- largement of, 268 Holly, Fasciation in, 55 Holmes, T. V., Explains Geological Photographs, 25 ; On Neolithic Settlement at Braintree, 27, 94 ; Report as Delegate British Associa- tion, 1899, 68 ; Geology of Ilford, 149; Geology of Canvey Island, 262; on Cuckoo's changed tune, 270 Hopefulness of Science, 208 Hornbeam, Mistletoe on, in Epping Forest, 55 Horsley, Rev. J. W., Mollusca in old bed of Lea river, 145