INDEX vii Horton, Amy M., Symphytum officinale, var. patens, at Brentwood, 201 Howard, David, Life Problems in Modern Science, 15 ; Presidential Address, 297 ; Proposes Mr. Passmore Edwards as Hon. Member, 297 ; Vote of thanks to, 298 ; Speech at opening of Essex Museum of Natural History, 321 Howse, Francis, Angling in Lea half-a-Century ago, 143 Huddle. Rev. A., Epipactis latifolia, 147 ; Rhamnus frangula in Epping 147 Hughes, F., see Dymond, T. S. Ilford, Sketch of Geology of, 149 ; Some new sections in and contri- butions to the flora and fauna of the Uphall Estate, 157 ; On the Pleistocene deposits of, 161 ; Additions to the Palaeolithic Fauna of, 290 ; Post-Pliocene Non-Marine Mollusca from, 213 Johnson, J. P., Additions to the Palaeolithic fauna of the Uphall brickyard, Ilford, 209 ; the Eocene fauna and flora of Walton Naze, 284, 298; Exhibits teeth and Palaeolithic flakes from pits at Grays Thurrock, 295 ; Presents to Museum fossil teeth of Sharks, &c, from Walton- Naze, 298 Johnson, J. P., and G. White, New Sections in, and Contributions to the fauna and flora of the River Drift at Ilford, 157 Kennard, A. S., and B. B. Woodward, The Post-Pliocene Non-Marine Mollusca of Ilford, 213 ; Non-Marine Mollusca of Walton Crag, 216 ; Notes on Paludestrina jenkinsi in Essex, 288 Kennard, A. S., see also Hinton, M. C. Kenworthy, Rev. J. W., Notes on a Neolithic Settlement at Braintree, 27, 94 ; Vivipara clactonensis, col- lected by, 261 Kemsley, H. B., Tufa-forming stream near Epping, 56 "Knighton," Garden Party at, 128 Lampyris swallowed by frog, 144 Lea River, description of district, 130 ; Anglers Notes on Fishes, 133 ; Angling in, half-a-century ago, 143 ; Mollusca in old bed of, 145 Lewis, E. J., Black-currant Gall- mite, 334 Life Problems in Modern Science, 15 Ligia oceanica at Burnham, 193 London Clay, New fossil bird from, 148 ; fossils from, 149 "Loom-weight" from Barking Side, 25 Loughton, Sirex gigas at, 144 Love, W. W., On the Original Construction of Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, 153 Lovett, Edward, Demonstration on Primitive Fire-Making Appliances, 49 : On British Stalk-eyed Crustacea, with reference to Essex forms, 252 Lunaria, Observations on dissepi- ments of, 294 Map of Essex, draughtsman of the oldest known, 240 Marine Zoology, specimens exhibited, 24 ; Dredging and Trawling Ex- cursion, 291 Mashiter, E. T., White Fox near Billericay, 141 Massee, George, Report on Fungus Foray, 1899, 166 ; Study of Minute Fungi, 260; Report on Fungus Foray, 1900, 313 Matthews, H. W., Stone-Curlew at Fowlness, 53 Melampus at Burnham, 193 Meldola, Prof. R., Education in Rural Schools, 236; Proposes Mr. Passmore Edwards as an Hon. Member, 297 ; Vanessa antiopa at Bigods, 298 ; On use of Photo- graphy in Natural Science, 299 ; Remarks on Enock's lecture, 305 ; Rare Sphingidae in Essex, 334 Meetings, Time of Club's Winter, 303 Mimulus on banks of Lea, 138 Mistletoe on Hornbeam in Epping Forest, 55 Molge palmata at Buckhurst Hill, 142 Mollusca, Local extinction and diffu- sion in Essex, 86 ; in old bed of Lea, 145 ; Post-Pliocene Non- Marine from Ilford, 213 ; Non- Marine of Walton Crag, 216 ; Pleistocene Non-Marine from Clacton, 225 ; Pleistocene from Copford, 227 ; Colouring of some