viii. INDEX. Essex, 271 ; Paludestrina jenkensi in Essex, 288 ; Holocene from Shal- ford, 294 Mosses, subject of Demonstration Meeting, 258 Municipal Institute, Stratford, Fire at, 197 ; Club Meetings in, 295 Museum, Epping Forest, and Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, 31 ; 151 ; Meet- ing in support of, 300 Museum, Essex, Plans exhibited, 195 ; Opening of, October 18th, 1900, 319 ; Countess of Warwick's speech, 323: Mr. Passmore Edwards upon, 322, 328 ; Prof. Meldola upon, 328, and other speakers Museum Notes II., 223 National Trust, 73 Neolithic Settlement at Skitt's Hill, Braintree, 27, 94 Newt, Palmated (Molge palmata) at Buckhurst Hill, 142 Newton, E. T., Remarks on speci- mens from Neolithic Settlement. Braintree, 94 Notes, Original and Selected, 52, 141, 199, 270, 333 Nutcracker at Bradwell, 333 Nuts embedded in tree-trunk, 336 O'Brian, the Irish giant, at Loughton, 257 Officers and New Members of Council for 1899, 29 ; for 1900, 297 Oldham, Charles, Presents to Museum a ''loom weight'' from Barking Side, 25 ; Exhibits Noctuae from Epping Forest, 25 Otters in Essex, 141, 199 Owl, Little (Athene noctua) at Harlow, 142 Oysters, Old, attached to Crabs, 54 ; 200 Palaeolithic Fauna of Ilford, addi- tions to, 290: Implements from Grays, Wanstead, &c., 296 Paludestrina jenkensi, in Essex and elsewhere, 288 Parks, London, Instruction in botany in, 147 Paulson, R., New views respecting Pollination, 259 ; On death of Birch trees in Epping Forest, 273, 294 Photographs of Geological interest, exhibition of, 25 ; of Wild Flowers, demonstration of, 299 Phreoryctes, British Well-worms, on, 1 Phytoptus ribis, 334 Pickard-Cambridge, F. O., Remarks on Essex Spiders, 294 ; Further Contributions to Knowledge of Arachnida of Epping Forest, 315 Pitt-Rivers, General, presents his book to Club, 23 ; Obituary Notice of, 245 Plants, notes on Essex, 146 ; 201 : observed on Tiptree Heath, 266 Pleistocene. Geology of Thames Valley. Pt. I., 296, 336; Deposits at Ilford and Wanstead, 161 Pleistocene Non-Marine Mollusca from Clacton, 225 ; from Copford, 227 Polecat in Lea Valley, 199 Pollination, New views respecting, 259 Polyporus umbellatus, new locality for, 148 Pond-life, in Epping Forest, lecture on, 28 ; lecture on, 304 Porcellio ratzburgi, occurrence in Essex, 127 Porpoise in Thames, 141 Post-Pliocene Non-Marine Mollusca from Ilford, 213 Poulton, Prof. E. B., Delegates Report at British Association, 310 Fowell, J. T., Two more Epping Forest Rubi, 267 Presidential Address, Mr. Howard's 1899, 15 Primitive Fire-making Appliances, 49 Protection of Wild-birds in Essex, 10 Queen Elizabeth's Lodge and Epping Forest Museum 31, 151 ; Notes on construction of, 153 Rainfall and Temperature in Essex, 1899, 203 Ray, John, of Epping, Plants col- lected by, 224 Ray, John, destruction of his house "Dewlands" by fire, 331 Reader, F. W., Remarks on Ken- worthy's paper on Neolithic Settle- ment at Braintree, 94 ; Note on West African "Strike-a-light," 218 ; Obituary Notice of late General Pitt-Rivers, 245 Rhamnus frangula in Epping Forest, 147 Ribes nigrum in Epping Forest, 335 Rubi, two more Epping Forest, 267