INDEX. ix Rudler, F. W., Receives Club at Geological Museum, 197 Rural Schools, Education in, 236 Russell, S. B., the Architect, Essex Museum of Natural History, 319 Rye House, paper on 135 ; visit to, 138 Salmon at Harwich in 1666, 76 Salmon, Ernest S., Demonstration on Mosses, 258 Saxton, Christopher, Map-maker, 240 Scabrus, "Sport" of flowers of, 295 Schwartz, Cecil, Exhibits Marine and other Specimens, 24 Science, Hopefulness of, 208 Scott, J. Oldrid, Report on condi- dition of Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, 31 Scourfield, D. J., Lectures on Pond-life in Epping Forest 28, exhibits Statoblasts of Cristatella, 295 Setaria viridis at Witham, 271 Sewell, S. A. .Exhibits tree-trunk with objects embedded, 27 ; Nest of Vespa germanica, 54 ; Mistletoe on Horn- beam in Epping Forest, 55 ; Fasciation in Holly. 55 ; Blossom- ing of Crab-trees in Epping Forest in 1900, 335 ; Nuts embedded in tree-trunk, 336 Shark's teeth, fossil, from Walton, presented, 298 Shelford, Holocene Mollusca from, 294 Shenstone, J. C, describes his Essex Herbarium presented to Club, 223; Silene anglica var. quinquevulnera, in Essex, 271 ; Vicia lutea at St. Osyth, 271 ; Lantern demonstration of photographs of Wild Flowers, 299 Shoeburyness, Acidalia rusticata at, 144 Shrimp, Well (Niphargus) in East Anglia, 145 Shrubsole, W. H., New Fossils from London-clay, 149 Silene anglica, var., quinquevulnera, in Essex, 271 Silting-up of Channels of the Essex Coast, 271 Sirex gigas, at Loughton, 144 Smith, F. P., conducts at Field Meeting, 293 ; "Contributions to- wards a knowledge of Arachnida of Epping Forest," 315 Special Meeting, March 31st, 1900, 259 Sphingidae, rare, in Essex, 334 Spiders of Epping Forest, 315 Sorby, Dr. H. C, Exhibits specimens showing methods of preserving Marine Animals, 128 Southend, Calymnia pyralina and Cucullia asteris, at 144 Statoblasts of Cristatella from Epping Forest, 295 Stebbing, Rev, T. R. R., Living Subterranean Fauna of Great Britain, 70 Stewart, Prof. C, Receives Club at College of Surgeons, 256 Stone-curlew at Fowlness, 53 St. Osyth, Vicia lutea At, 271 Stride, W., Note on Fox catching Woodcock, 52 Strike-a-light, Note on a West African, 218 Subterranean Fauna of Great Britain, 70 Symphytum officinale, var., patens, at Brentwood, 201 Tamarisk at Fowlness, 194 Tea at Meetings, Change of hour of, 299 Tegetmeier, W. B., Crab carrying oyster on its shell, 54 Temperature in Essex in 1899, 203 Thames, Porpoise in, 141 ; Sea Gulls on, 142 Thames Valley, Contributions to the Pleistocene Geology of, 336 Thompson, Prof. Silvanus, Dis- sepiments of Lunaria, observations on, 294 Thresh, Dr. J. C, Saline constitu- ents of chalk-derived waters in Essex, 201 Tide, High, of Nov. 29th, 1897, after- effects of, 83 Tiger Beetle, Lecture on life-history of, 30 Tiptree Heath, visit to Britannia Fruit Company, 265; Plants ob- served at, 266 Treasurer's Statement of Account, 1898, 20 ; 1899, 296 and 306 Tree-trunks, objects embedded in, 27 and 336 "Trees and Shrubs of Epping Forest," Additions to, 55 Tufa-forming stream near Epping, 56 Turner, Edwin B , Notes on Essex plants, 146 ; Notes on Microscopical