x. INDEX. Fungi, 148 ; Exhibits two Micro- scopical Fungi new to Essex, 261 ; Exhibits Purple Cow-wheat, 265 ; Setaria viridis at Witham, 271 ; Flowers on Christmas-day, 1900, 335 Vanessa antiopa near Dunmow, 298 Vertebrata, Palaeolithic, from Ilford, 212 Vespa germanica, slab-shaped nest of, in Epping Forest, 54 Vicia lutea at St. Osyth, 271 Vivipara clactonensis exhibited from Clacton, 261 Waller, W. C, Sirex gigas at Loughton, 144 Waltham Bells, 208 Walton-Naze, Conger at, 200 ; Non- Marine Mollusca of Crag, 216 ; Eocene fauna and flora of, 284 ; Fossil Shark's teeth from, 298 Wanstead, Palaeolithic Implements from, 296 ; and Ilford districts, Pleistocene deposits of the, 161 Wanstead Park, Epping Forest, Addition to, 269 Ware, Great Bed of, 138 Warrant for payment of Forest Officers in 1728, 48 Waters, Chalk-derived of Essex, Saline Constituents, 201 Warwick, Countess of, Village Science School, 151 : Opens Essex Museum of Natural History 319 ; Speech on Local Museums, &c., 321 Weather in 1899, 207 Webb, W. M., Occurrence in Essex of a Species of Isopoda new to Britain, 127 ; Exhibits Cytisus laburnum-adami from Epping, 139 ; Exhibits New British Species of Isopoda, 197; Notes on a small Essex Herbarium, 224 ; Pleistocene Non-Marine Mollusca from Clacton, 225 ; Pleistocene Shells from Cop- ford, 227 ; Holocene Mollusca from Shalford, 294 Well-Shrimp (Niphargus) in East Anglia, 145 Well-Worms (Phreoryctes) with reference to unique specimen from Chelmsford, 1 ; probable species of in Essex, 27 West Ham, Mayor of, at Opening of Essex Museum on Oct. 18th, 1900, 321-22. West Ham Municipal Technical Institute, Fire at, 197 ; Meetings in, 295 White, G., see Johnson, J. P. Whittle, F. G., Acidalia rusticata at Shoeburyness, 144 ; Calymnia pyralina and Cucullia asteris at Southend, 144 Wild Flowers, photographs of, 299 Wilkin, A. S., Receives Club at Britannia Company's Farm, 265 Wilson, T. Hay, Chalky Boulder- Clay in Epping Forest, 55 Wine Production in Essex, 34 Winstone, Benjamin, "Rye House, 1685," 135 Witham, plants observed at, 264 ; Setaria viridis at, 271 Woodford Churchyard, Old Yew tree in. 147 Woodlouse, new to Britain, occurrence of in Essex, 127 Wood-pigeons, "Mobbed by," 333 Woodward, B. B., see Kennard, A. S. Yardley Hill, Epping Forest, 78 ; Club's Visit to, 129 ; addition to, 268 Yew tree in Woodford Churchyard, 147