6 GEOLOGICAL NOTES At another spot appeared— Fig. 3. New Reservoirs. Section towards S. end of Mitchley Marsh, seen July, 6th, 1900. Showing Clay, darkening towards the bottom, above gravel. Height of Section about 10ft., length about 50ft; In some places there was nothing that could be called peat, and there were no traces of shell marl, though the thickness of the beds above the gravel was above the average, as in the two sections given below :— Fig. 4. New Reservoirs. Section about 100yds. N. of No. 1. Showing lenticular bed of Shell marl resting on Peat, and covered by the Clay forming the surface. Gravel at the base. London Clay did not appear in the ordinary sections of 10 or 11 feet from the surface, which all ended in gravel, but it was usually visible at very slightly greater depths in trenches, &c.