ANNUAL REPORT. 37 The Club was founded in the last months of 1879 by meetings called together by Mr. W. Cole, and the issue of a very large number of letters to the leading inhabitants of the County. The original advertisements, prospectuses, and the Rules were drawn up by Mr. Cole, and settled by the late Charles Browne, M.A., who acted as the first Hon. Counsel to the Club. The Inaugural Meeting took place on January 10th, 1880, at the rooms of the Epping Forest Art Classes, St. John's Villas, Buckhurst Hill. Mr. Meldola was unanimously chosen as the first President, and it is in the recollection of all the original members of the Club how much the Society owes to his guidance and scientific knowledge. His address delivered at the first Ordinary Meeting of the Club on February 28th, 1880, clearly laid down the lines upon which the policy of the Club was founded, and since that period Prof. Meldola has ever been ready with advice and assistance in the conduct of the affairs of the Society. Mr. Meldola retained office for three years; then Prof. G. S. Boulger took the post of President for two years, to be succeeded by Mr. T. V. Holmes, who filled the chair from 1885 to 1887. Mr. E. A. Fitch was President for four years (1888 to 1891). Then Dr. Henry Laver served for one year and Mr. Chancellor for two years. Mr. Howard was elected in 1895, and consequently has filled the office for six years. The Council most gratefully acknowledge the. great value of the services of these gentlemen ; under their guidance the Club has maintained a high position among similar societies. It is a matter of great satisfaction to say now that the Club is in a fair way of accomplishing all the objects laid down in the original Rules and in Prof. Meldola's Inaugural Address. Second only in importance to the President is the office of Treasurer, and the Club has been fortunate in securing the services of gentlemen who have given much time and labour to its arduous duties. Mr. H. J. Barnes was the first Treasurer, acting during 1800 and 1881; then Mr. Andrew Johnston held the office during five years from 1882 to 1886; Mr. Thomas Royle acted during 1887 and 1888. Then Mr. A. Lockyer was Treasurer for seven years from 1889 to 1895, and in 1896 Mr. Waller took the office which he resigns to-night, after acting for six years. Mr. W. Cole was the first Honorary Secretary. It may be noted that he has attended in this capacity every Meeting and Committee Meeting of the Club, with the exception of three Field Meetings, once through illness and the others from business connected with his duties under the County Council. Mr. Cole has also edited the Club's publications from the beginning and has reported every Meeting in full in the publications of the Club and in the Minute Books. Mr. B. G. Cole has served as Assistant Hon. Secretary since his first election in 1882, and on him has mainly fallen the trying and sometimes unpleasant task of conducting the business details of our numerous Field Meetings. The Club owes a debt of gratitude to Mr. A. Lockyer, who was the first Librarian, and who inaugurated the system of exchange of publications with other societies. He served in this capacity until 1886. In 1887 Mr. Wire took the office and 1893 was joined by Mr. E. Durrant. Mr. Lockyer acted in 1889 and 1890. Mr. W. C. Waller acted as one of the Librarians during