38 ANNUAL REPORT. several years, more particularly with regard to the sets of forest literature in the Epping Forest Museum. All these gentlemen gave most valuable services, The Club has also largely benefitted by the services of Mr. Charles Browne and Mr. W. C. Dare as Hon. Counsel and H. J. Coburn as Hon, Solicitor. During the 21 years the Club has held 200 Ordinary Meetings, 158 Field Meetings and 32 other Meetings, making 390 Meetings in all. But it must be remembered that two meetings have sometimes been held on the same day. The Publications of the Club comprise five volumes of Transactions and Proceedings, eleven volumes of the Essex Naturalist (the last in progress) and three volumes of the Special Memoir series, making 19 volumes in all. Up to the end of 1900 the publications comprised about 5,310 pages of matter, and of this at least 7-8ths has direct connection with the natural history, geology, archaeology, history and topography of the County of Essex. The average number of pages published has consequently been 252 per annum. The Council very much regret the death of Mr. E. Durrant, which occurred on August 30th, 1900. Mr. Durrant joined the Club in 1881, and served on the Council. He also acted as Librarian and took part as Secretary of the old Chelmsford Museum in the attempt to establish the County- Natural History Museum at Chelmsford. He was the founder of the Chelmsford Society of Odde Volumes and was one of the founders and the publisher of the Essex Review, During many years he was a constant attend- ant at such meetings of the Club as were held in the interior of the County. Treasurership.—The Club will suffer a great loss in the retirement of Mr. W. C. Waller from the Treasurership, which he has filled to the manifest advantage to the Society since March, 1896. In addition to his services as Treasurer, Mr. Waller acted as Librarian to the Epping Forest Museum, and most skilfully arranged and catalogued the interesting set of Forest papers known as the Barclay collection, an account of which was published in the Essex Naturalist, vol. ix., pp. 157-160. Mr. Waller also most kindly gave his services as Hon. Secretary to the Special Committee for the adjustment of the questions between the representatives of the old Chelmsford Museum and the Club, and in many other ways has acted for the benefit of the Society. The Council return their most hearty thanks for his past services, with an expression of sincere regret at the loss of them in the future. Mr. Howard has most kindly consented to undertake the office of Treasurer, at least for a time, and has thus relieved the club of a serious difficulty. Librarians.—The Club is again reminded that no members have yet offered to take the offices of the two Librarians. The absence of these officers is greatly to be regretted, and as the books must now be arranged and the list of corresponding Societies revised, and the exchanges sent out, a great deal of additional work will be thrown upon the Hon. Secretaries, Auditors.—The Council cannot justly omit to thank Mr. Walter Crouch and Mr. J. D. Cooper for their persevering and skilful services as Auditors during many years past. Both these gentlemen have rendered most essential services to the Club which should be gratefully acknowledged by the members.