THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 39 Presidency.—Mr. Howard resigns to-night the office of President, which he has held for the unprecedented term of six years. The Council most sincerely thank him for his services, which have been in the highest degree beneficial to the Club during a period of very considerable stress. The retiring President is to be heartily congratulated at having seen during his term of office the completion of the establishment of our two museums, and the settlement of the Club in the permanent head-quarters at Stratford. Both the members and the Council are glad that Mr. Howard's aid and sympathy will be retained by his election as one of the Permanent Vice-Presidents and as Treasurer of the Club. The Council recommend the election of Prof. Meldola as President as an event likely to advance the scientific reputation and usefulness of the Club. And they also think that the members will have pleasure in welcoming back as the head of affairs a gentlemen who took part in the inception of the Club, and who now will, perhaps, have the satisfaction of giving the finishing touches to the edifice which was so well planned out twenty-one years ago. Two very necessary things remain for accomplishment, the increase of our membership to 400, so as to give a sufficient income for the ordinary work of the Club, and the establishment of a reasonably adequate Museum Fund which will enable the Club to collect and preserve in the Museums a really good series of Essex animals, plants, and fossils. So much has been accom- plished during the past three years by a small number of persons, that all members and friends of the Club are now asked to work heartily to bring about the establishment of the museums and the other work of the society on a firm financial and scientific footing. THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. TWO HUNDREDTH ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, January 26TH, 1901. The 200th Ordinary Meeting was held in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal Technical Institute, Romford Road, Stratford, at 6.30 p.m., Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S., Vice-President, in the chair. The Chairman said that the Council at their meeting that evening had considered the desirability of recording the grief which was universally felt at the lamented death of Her Majesty the Queen, and they had drawn up the following vote of condolence to the Duke of Connaught, who had been Patron of the Club since its foundation in 1880. If the Resolution met with the approval of the members, it was proposed that it should be suitably engrossed, and signed by the President and Hon. Secretary on behalf of the members, and forwarded to His Royal Highness. He begged to move the resolution in the following terms:— " The President and Council of the Essex Field Club, on behalf of the members, by a resolution passed this day, beg to convey to HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT, who has been Patron of the Club since its foundation in 1880, their most respectful and heartfelt sympathy on the grievous loss which he has sustained