56 PALAEOLITHIC IMPLEMENTS FROM THAMES VALLEY. the shell-beds of the Orsett Road section.4 They include, besides a neat little scraper, the well-formed flake represented by Fig. 5, the edges of which have been remarkably notched through use. Fig. 4. Flint Saw. From the Gravel at Ilford, Essex. Actual size. The deposits of gravel, sand and loam, which constitute the low-level drift of the Thames Valley, have yielded the remains of one of the most remarkable fauna ever gathered together in so Fig. 5. Flake showing signs of use. From the shell-beds in the Brick-earth at Grays, Essex. Actual size. 4 See Hinton and Kennard, "Contributions to the Pleistocene Geology of the Thames Valley." Part I. Essex Naturalist, vol. xi. (1901), pp. 336-370.