THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 79 Of the Essex Invertebrate Fauna, the Mollusca have, perhaps, received the most attention. One of our first contribu- tions to this subject was Mr. Laver's list of the land and fresh- water Mollusca of the Colchester district (Trans. II., 88). The later papers relating to the recent and fossil Mollusca of the County are given below in chronological order :— " Preliminary List of the Land and Fresh-water Mollusca occurring in the neighbourhood of Felstead" ; J. French, Essex Nat., II., 1 and 46. " List of Mollusca occurring in an alluvial deposit of the Cann Valley"; R. W. Christy; Ibid. III.; 7. " On the Mollusca of the Shell Marl occurring at Felstead and in other parts of Essex"; J. French, with remarks by W. H. Dalton, Ibid. III., 11. " List of Land and Fresh-water Mollusca from the Alluvial Deposit at Roxwell" ; R. W. Christy and B. B. Woodward, Ibid. III., 176. " On the occurrence of Cyclostoma elegans in a living state at Felstead" : J. French, Ibid. IV., 92. " On the Land and Fresh-water Mollusca collected in Wanstead and the neighbouring Districts in the Becontree Hundred"; W. Crouch, Ibid. IV., 202. " List of Land and Fresh-water Mollusca occurring in the neighbourhood of Bishop's Stortford" ; E. G. Ingold, Ibid. IV , 215 and V., 202. " Note on Hydrobia Jenkinsi" ; Edgar A. Smith, Ibid. IV., 212. " Notes on the Mollusca of the Thames Estuary, with a list of Species observed" ; A. J. Jenkins, Ibid. V., 220. " On the occurrence of Crepidula fornicata, L. off the Coast of Essex" ; W. Crouch, Ibid. Vill., 36; X., 353. " Pleistocene Non-marine Mollusca from Walton-on-the-Naze" ; W. M. Webb, Ibid. VIII., 160. " Note on the Shells from the Brick Earth at Chelmsford" ; W. M. Webb, IM. IX., 19. " The Non-marine Mollusca of Essex" ; W. M. Webb, Ibid. X., 27 ; 65. " The Post-Pliocene Non-marine Mollusca of Essex" ; A. S. Kennard and B. B. Woodward ; with contributions by W. M. Webb, Ibid. X., 87. " Notes on the Mollusca (Post-Pliocene and Recent) of Felstead"; A. S. Kennard and B. B. Woodward, Ibid. X., 185. " The Post-Pliocene Non-marine Mollusca of Ilford" ; A. S. Kennard and B. B. Woodward, Ibid. XI., 213. " The Non-marine Mollusca of the Walton Crag"; A. S. Kennard and B. B. Woodward, Ibid. XL, 216. " Pleistocene Non-marine Mollusca from Clacton-on-Sea" ; W. M. Webb, Ibid. XL, 225. " Notes on the Mollusc Paludestrina jenkinsi, Smith, in Essex and else- where "; A. S. Kennard and B. B. Woodward, Ibid. XL, 288. I think this remarkable series of contributions speaks well for the activity of the malacologists. Our entomologists have also shown considerable activity, but there is yet an immense