88 THE COMING OF AGE OF presidential address to the Geologists' Association, delivered February 8th, 1901, under the title "Twelve years of London Geology" (Proc. Geol. Assoc, XVII., 81). While dealing with Mr. Whitaker's contributions to our publications I may point out that in 1887, in a paper entitled "What is the use of the Essex Field Club?" (Essex Naturalist, I., 180), he emphasized in his forcibly humorous style the necessity for the members of a local society such as this looking out for temporary sections exposed by railway cuttings, &c. In 1889 Mr. Whitaker, in conjunction with Mr. Dalton, contributed a most valuable bibliographical paper to the Essex Naturalist (III., 61-86), viz., a "List of Works on the Geology, &c., of Essex," this list comprising the Geological Survey Publications, and books, papers, &c., chronologically arranged from 1701 down to 1888. In the same volume (p. 140) he sanctioned the publica- tion of an abstract of a paper "On a Deep Channel of Drift in the Valley of the Cam, Essex" read at the Newcastle meeting of the British Association, and since published by the Geological Society (Quay. Journ., 1890, p. 333 ; Essex Naturalist, IV., 117). The Rev. A. W. Rowe, who has since made notable con- tributions to geology, gave us in 1885 a paper on some crystalline rocks from the Drift in the neighbourhood of Felstead (Proc. IV., cxl.) which, after further elaboration, was published in extenso by the Geological Society (Quar. Journ., Aug., 1887, pp. 351-363). A later contribution on Essex boulders was made by Mr. Rowe in 1887 (Essex Naturalist, I., 117) in extension of a note on this subject by Mr. Worthington Smith (Ibid., p. 8). The contributions to Essex geology with which our publica- tions have been enriched by the work of Mr. T. V. Holmes are so numerous and important that it is only possible to do justice : to them by giving a special list :— " On the Subsidence at Lexden, near Colchester, in 1862." Essex Nat.. I., 1-8. " Notes on Drift Maps, with special reference to those of Essex." Ibid. II., 21-32. " The Subterranean Geology of South-Eastern England"; Presidential Address for 1888; Ibid. II., 138-158. " Notes on the Geology of Maldon and the Blackwater Estuary" ; Ibid III., 111-115. " On some recent Subsidences near Stifford, Essex"; Ibid. 183-188.