92 THE COMING OF AGE OF Pleistocene Mammals from the neighbourhood of Chelmsford was published in 1895 (Essex Naturalist, IX., 16). The eleventh volume of the Essex Naturalist for 1899-1900 is quite remarkable for a number of geological papers comprising Palaeontological contributions. Taking these in order we have : " Some New Sections in, and contributions to, the Fauna of the River Drift of the Uphall Estate, Ilford, Essex," by J. P. Johnson and G. White, Essex Nat., XI. ; 157. " On the Pleistocene Deposits of the Ilford and Wanstead District," by Martin A. C. Hinton; Ibid., 161. " Additions to the Palaeolithic Fauna of the Uphall Brickyard, Ilford," by J. P. Johnson; Ibid., 209; also XII., 52, (This paper is noteworthy as containing a record of the discovery of flint implements in the Uphall series of deposits associated with extinct species of animals). " The Eocene Flora and Fauna of Walton-Naze, Essex," by J. P. Johnson; Ibid., 284. " Contributions to the Pleistocene Geology of the Thames Valley, I., The Grays Thurrock Area, Part I.," by Martin A. C. Hinton and A. S. Kennard. With a Sub-Section on the Fossil Fishes, by E. T. Newton ; Ibid., 336-370. This last paper is certainly a most important contribution to Essex Geology, being the result of field work and personal observation. It comprises also a very valuable bibliographical list of 75 references, among which it is gratifying to find several references to work published in our pages. The second part of this paper was read at a recent meeting of the Club, and is of equal or even greater interest as a contribution to ancient physio- graphy. It is hoped that this part will shortly appear in the Essex Naturalist. Seismology is a subject which, happily for this country, does not often force itself in its most obtrusive form upon the atten- tion of our local Societies. We had our big earthquake, however, on April 22nd, 1884, and on Feb. 28th, 1885, I pre- sented to the Club the detailed report on this occurrence prepared by myself and Mr. William White (Proc, IV., cxxxviii. The volume was published the same year as the first of our Special Memoirs, and in fact inaugurated the system of Special Memoirs. Of course it is not for me to say anything about the value of this work, but it was undertaken in fact by way of example in order to emphasize the duty of local societies in