117 NEOLITHIC IMPLEMENTS FROM THE NORTH DOWNS NEAR SUTTON, SURREY. By J. P. JOHNSON. Judging from the vast quantity of flakes and chips with which they are strewn, the North Downs, in the neighbourhood of Sutton, must once have been the site of a great flint imple- ment industry, which no doubt owed its position to the amount of raw material at hand. The majority of these flakes are as sharp and translucent as any freshly produced specimens, from which they differ, how- ever, in being, without exception, highly lustrous. Those that have lain long on the surface, exposed to the direct action of atmospheric agencies have become opaque, and many are dis- coloured with rust due to the oxidation of the streaks of iron gained by contact with the plough, while a small proportion are patinated, that is, the surface of the flint has undergone some change which has given it a glazed appearance. They are mostly small, few reaching the size of the average Palaeolithic flake. In colour they range, in glassy specimens, from amber to black, and in porcellaneous examples, from white, through mottled blue and white to blue, with every intermediate tint imaginable. While the greater number of flakes are merely chips that have been struck off in the manufacture of implements, many, on the other hand, are designedly shaped, and are such as require great skill in their production. Such are the minute thin narrow flakes, one of which is shewn in the set of figures on page 118 with three or more faces and a well-developed bulb of percussion. Miscellaneous flakes were largely employed by pre-historic man for various purposes. Nearly all have their edges notched through use. These flakes are not all of the same age. Sometimes one comes across specimens that have been re-trimmed at a later period. In cases where the original flake is externally mottled and opaque, the newer chipping is black, having penetrated the semi-transparent interior. The cores from which the flakes have been struck are frequently met with. I have one very beautiful example, con-