A FUNGUS NEW TO EPPING FOREST. 129 BASIDIOMYCETES. *Grandinia crustosa, Fr. On old rotting cast-off clothing. ASCOMYCETES. Ascobolus immersus, Pers. *A. brunneus, Cke. A. furfuraceus, Pers. A. glaber, Pers. *Saccobolus kerverni, Boud. *S. neglectus, Boud. *S. depauperatus, Phil. *Ascophanus microsporus, Phil. *Ryparobius pelletieri, Sacc. * R. parvisporus, Phil. *R. sexdecemsporus, Sacc. *R. argenteus, B. and Br. *Bisporella monilifera, Fckl. Both ascigorus and conidial condition. On cut surface of the stump of a tree. HYPHOMYCETES. *Stachybotris atra, Corda. On damp paper. AMANITA CITRINA, GON. AND RAB., A FUNGUS NEW TO BRITAIN, IN EPPING FOREST. By GEORGE MASSEE, F.L.S. (Royal Herbarium, Kew). This rare species was established and beautifully figured by Gonnermann and Rabenhorst in the Mycologia Europaa, p. 2, tab. 4 (1869), from German specimens. From that time up to the present, the fungus has not been observed either in Germany or elsewhere. A. citrina is the same size, and has the same general habit as the "Fly Agaric"—Amanita muscaria, L.—but the pileus instead of being crimson is a clear deep lemon-yellow, with white patches. The species is very poisonous. I had occasion to visit the Forest during the week following the last "Fungus Foray" (October 12th, 1901), for the purpose of securing some specimens found immature during the Foray, and was fortunate enough to discover two specimens of Amanita