144 CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES. ' Erratic Blocks,' Yorkshire Naturalists' Union, and Professor P. F. Kendall. ' Geological Photographs,' Belfast Naturalists' Field Club, and Professor W. W. Watts. ' Underground Fauna,' Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing. 'Variations in the Course of Rivers and Shape of Lakes,' Dr H. R. Mill. ' Archaeological Survey by Counties,' Woolhope Field Club, and Rev. J. O. Bevan. ' Ethnographical Survey,' Anthropological Institute. ' Botanical Survey by Counties,' Mr. W. G. Smith, ' Photographic Record of Plants,' Mr. A. K. Coomara-Swamy." In the course of discussion at the first Conference, Dr. Vaughan Cornish suggested that a Report should be presented each year, explaining what had been done by local societies in carrying out suggestions made at the preceding Conference. This appeared to be the general desire of the Delegates ; and at the second Conference Captain Dubois Phillips, R.N., moved the following resolution, which was carried unanimously :— " That the Corresponding Societies Committee be requested in future to bring before the Conference of Delegates some account of the outcome of the Conference of the preceding year." Representatives of most of the Sections of the Association attended the second Conference and explained the kind of work in which their respective Committees might be assisted by local societies. Prof. Watts called attention to the valuable work carried on year after year by the Committee on Geological Photographs; Prof. Percy Kendall explained the work of the Committee on Erratic Blocks. Dr. Vaughan Cornish pointed out the kind of investigations on Limnology which might be carried on by societies located in the neighbourhood of lakes ; Mr. Henry Balfour advocated the collection of photographs of anthropological and archaeological interest, and enlarged on the value of observing and recording the survival of primitive customs, &c. ; Mr. Harold Wager suggested that assistance might be given to the Committee for investigating the structure of blue-green algae, as also to that appointed to collect, preserve and systematically register photographs of botanical interest ; Prof. Dalby referred to Committees of the Mechanical Section on Screw-threads and on Road Traction, which might possibly receive local assistance ; and Prof. McLeod explained that a Committee of the Chemical Section would be glad to hear of the