THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 153 Elliott (Board of Agriculture), Prof. James Long, Dr. Wormall, and Sir Edward Verney. At the close of the meeting the guests had an opportunity of inspecting the School buildings and appliances, and tea in the gardens concluded a very pleasant and instructive visit. Lady Warwick's experiment has proved to be most successful, and is one that should be attentively studied by all interested in the pressing problem of rural and secondary education. THE ANNUAL CRYPTOGAMIC MEETING AND 205TH ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, October 12TH, 1901. This meeting was held at High Beach and surrounding parts of the Forest. The arrangements were precisely those of last year; the "Head- quarters" being at the "King's Oak" Hotel, where the large exhibition and meeting-room had been engaged. The Referees were:—Dr. M. C. Cooke, E. M. Holmes, Esq., F.L.S., George Massee, Esq., F.L S. (Kew Herbarium), and Prof. H. Marshall Ward, D.Sc., F.R.S. (Professor of Botany, University of Cambridge, and President of the Mycological Society). The botanists reached the assembling place at various times throughout the day, and parties explored the woods at Woodford, Buckhurst Hill, Loughton, High Beach, and the Theydon Woods. A very large and varied collection of specimens was made, which were exhibited in the room and determined by the experts present. Dr. Cooke's and Mr. Massee's reports will be found in another part of this issue (pp. 127-30). Amongst the other interesting things shown were a series of beautiful coloured drawings of some species of Micro-Fungi occurring in the Forest, drawn and exhibited by Mr. Massee. Mr. Cole exhibited a selection from the Cryptogamic Herbarium formed by the late George Varenne, of Kelvedon, recently acquired by the Club. Mr. H. Whitehead exhibited some specimens of Micro-Fungi (leaf-fungi) recently collected in Essex. Tea was taken about 5.30 o'clock, and afterwards an Ordinary Meeting (the 205th) was held, the President, Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S., in the chair The following were elected members of the Club: —Miss A. E. Baxter, Miss Camilla Jebb, Mr. F. T. Norris (Saga-Master, Viking Club), Mr. W. B. Parsons, M.R.C.S., and the Right Hon. the Earl of Warwick, Lord- Lieutenant of Essex. Dr. Cooke and Mr. Massee reported on the results of the day's work. These reports will be found in the present part of the Essex Naturalist (ante pp. 127-130). Dr. Cooke was of opinion that the "bag" was the best for the last 10 years Dr. Cooke also delivered an address; the first part of it, consisting of corrigenda to his Illustrations, with indications of new species to the Forest, or corrections in the nomenclature of old ones, is printed in the present part (ante pp. 131-34; The second part of his speech consisted of humorous descriptions of the utility and social aspect of these annual forays.