THE SPIDERS OF EPPING FOREST. 189 1A DESCRIPTIONS OF PLATES. Plate VII.—Dissections of Typical Spiders. Fig. I. Body reviewed from above, legs and palpi removed. a. Caput. e. Lateral indentations. b. Thorax. f. Pedicle. c. Eyes. g. Abdomen. d. Median indentation. h. Spinners. Fig. II. Eyes, etc., from in front and above. a. Clypeus. b. Falces. Fig. III. Eyes, etc., from behind and above. a. Falces. b. Cephalo-thoracic indentations. Fig. IV. Spinners of the cylindrical type, viewed from beneath. a. Superiors. c Inferiors. b. Centrals. Fig. V. Spinners of the conical type, viewed from beneath. Fig. VI. Spinners, viewed from beneath showing the Cribellmn (a). Fig. VII. Spinners of the elongate type, viewed from beneath. Fig. VIII. Tarsus, and part of Metatarsus showing Scopula. Fig. IX. Part of Tarsus showing Claw-tuft. Fig. X. Part of Tarsus showing Supernumerary Claws (a.) Fig. XI. Fourth Metatarsus with Calamistrum (a). Fig. XII. Falx. a. Basal joint. c. Fang-groove. b. Fang. Fig. XIII. A single spinner a. Terminal joint with spinning tubes or Spinnerets b Basal joint. Plate VIII. Dissections of Typical Spiders, continued. Fig. I. Body viewed from beneath, legs and palpi truncated (female). a. Sternum. g. Pedicle. b. Fakes. h. Spiracular plates. c. Maxillae. k. Laminal-tracheal openings. d. Labium. m. Reproductive organs. e. Femoral joints of palpi. n. Tube-tracheal opening. f. Coxal joints of legs. o. Spinners. Fig. II. Palpus, male, from above. a. Tibial apophysis. Fig. III. Palpus, male (Linyphiinae), in profile, viewed from the outer side a. Lateral stylum. b Basal appendage. Fig. IV. Palpus, male. A simple form. a. Bulb. c. Conductor b Stylum.