THE SPIDERS OF EPPING FOREST. 197 Eyes small, very widely separated, the posterior laterals being placed far back upon the caput .. .. .. .. Eresidae 9. Width of ocular area greater than its length. Eyes not greatly unequal in size .. 10 Width of ocular area not greater than its length. Eyes very unequal in size .. 24 10. Tarsal claws 2 .. .. .. 11 Tarsal claws 3 .. .. .. 16 11. Inferior spinners well separated at their bases.. Drassidae Inferior spinners set close together at their bases 12 12. Eyes homogeneous, of the diurnal type. Pos- terior row recurved. Legs of second pair longer than those of the first and often than those of the fourth. Clypeus moderately high .. .. .. .. 13 Eyes usually distinctly heterogenous (except Sparassidae). Posterior row often pro- curved. Legs of second pair shorter than those of the first and fourth pairs. Clypeus low .. .. .. 14 13. Legs I and II much longer than legs III and IV. Tarsi without scopulae .. .. Thomisidae Legs not greatly unequal. Tarsi with scopulae Philodromidae 14. Tube tracheae opening in a very distinct trans- verse impression_ near the centre of the abdomen .. .. .. Anyphaenidae Tube tracheae opening just in front of the spinners, the aperture being small and inconspicuous .. .. .. 15 15. Labium rather long. Eyes distinctly hetero- geneous .. .. .. Clubionidae Labium very short, almost semi-circular. Eyes almost homogeneous .. .. Sparassidae 16. Spinners short and arranged in a compact group .. .. .. .. 17 Spinners of superior pair long, consisting of more than one joint .. .. 22 17. Genital aperture placed some considerable dis tance behind the openings of the laminal tracheae .. .. .. 18 Genital aperture placed between the openings of the laminal tracheae .. .. 19 18. Legs without spines .. .. .. Pachygnathidae Legs with spines .. .. Tetragnathidae