212 EOLITHIC IMPLEMENTS FROM THE PLATEAU waste of material, but I find that the shape of the flint is par- ticularly well adapted for grasping in the hand, and that the maker would seem to have taken this into consideration in selecting the position for the hollow. The only other really abundant implement is the borer, which, as its name implies, is a pointed tool2 used for making holes in soft substances such as wood. In some the points are short while in others they are long and tapering. Fig. 5 is a good example. The massive pointed implement represented by fig. 6 is noteworthy. I can say little more of this than that there are many ways in which such an implement could be employed. Fig. 5. Borer. (Actual size.) The working, being of an opaque yellow colour, is much lighter than the rest of the flint. As in the other specimens figured in this paper the reverse side is a more or less plane surface. The implements found in the plateau gravel range over a very long period of time. This is shewn by the association of unworn with much rolled specimens, and by the occurrence of the most crude forms side by side with comparatively well-finished examples. 2. The bluntly pointed implements though resembling Borers are probably double Spoke- shaves. Rutot (l.c.) says "les poincons, qui ne sont peutetre que de simples grattoirs a deux encoches, la point etant sans usage,"