TEETH OF RHINOCEROS FROM ILFORD. 231 old channels in the "Lockwood Reservoir," the more northerly of which is shown in Fig. 5, p. 8, Essex Naturalist, vol. xii. In spite of its small scale, the photograph illustrates the disappearance of the peat bed close to the old channels and its replacement there by sand and gravel. The section has now disappeared. ON SOME TEETH OF RHINOCEROS FROM ILFORD, ESSEX. WITH REMARKS ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF RHINOC- EROS IN THE THAMES VALLEY DEPOSITS. By MARTIN A. C. HINTON. [With Plate X] During the course of the last six years I have had occasion to examine many of the vertebrate remains which have been obtained from the Pleistocene deposits of Ilford, Essex. These specimens include among them a large series of the molar teeth of Rhinoceros, referable for the most part to the species named R. hemitoechus, Falconer (=R. leptorhinus, Owen). Some of these teeth appear to me to be of such interest and importance as to merit being described and placed on record, and they form the subject of this communication. The first specimens to be described are three upper molars in my own collection which were obtained from the Cauliflower Brickyard in 1897. One of these is a penultimate premolar of the left side; it is somewhat damaged, the external lamina of the outer wall being lost. The posterior valley is just isolated into a reniformly triangular fossette. The transverse valley is just on the verge of isolation, but whether this had been actually accomplished or not cannot be ascertained as the inner wall of the tooth is somewhat mutilated. The crochet is strongly bifid, projecting a little more than halfway across the valley. The outer wall gives off three combing plates all more or less parallel with the crochet and one only of which has been touched by wear. Remains of a thick coat of cement are seen on this specimen. The next specimen (fig. 1, plate x.) is a finely preserved second true molar of the left upper jaw. In this the posterior valley is still intact. The crochet is emitted at a right angle