234 TEETH OF RHINOCEROS FROM ILFORD. to be of great interest, the only other instance of which I am aware occurring in a fourth premolar of the upper jaw which Dr. Falconer referred to R. etruscus and which is figured in the Palaeontological Memoirs, vol. ii., Pl. xxv., fig. 6. This latter specimen is from one of the Italian Pliocene deposits and is now preserved in the museum at Pisa. The next specimen to be noticed was also obtained by Mr. G. White from one of the Uphall sections. This is a slightly worn penultimate molar of the left upper jaw. The crochet is thin and wedge shaped and is projected well across the trans- verse valley. The external wall gives off a large combing plate converging at a right angle towards the crochet, while just above the latter from the anterior barrel projects another little combing process. The large combing plate is placed nearly diagonally to the anterior outer angle of the tooth. The barrels have their apices compressed and somewhat twisted, making the entrance to the transverse valley appear very wide. There is a small prominent tubercle in the entrance of the latter between the barrels. The dimensions of this tooth are:— Antero-posterior length external) of crown .. 30 inches Antero-transverse width, at base .. 25 ,, Postero-transverse width, at base .. 1.9 ,, This specimen is very characteristic of the R. leptorhinus Cuvier, pro parte, to which species I have referred it. In the collection of Dr. Frank Corner, F.G.S., there is a fine first upper true molar of the left side obtained by him from the Cauliflower Brickyard. This has the crochet thin and wedge shaped, and given off at a somewhat acute angle. A small combing plate is projected from the external lamina in a line with the antero-external angle. The posterior valley of the tooth is still intact. The anterior colline is large and shows the apical contortion characteristic of the species to which I have referred it. There is a well marked emarginate bourrelet passing round the base of the front colline. The posterior barrel or colline is broken, but shows apical contortion in section. The enamel is smooth, with a rather thick coat of cement upon the lower part of the sides of the crown. The dimensions of this tooth taken at the base of the crown are :— Antero-posterior length (externally) .. 2.49 inches Antero-transverse width .. .. 2.66 ,, Postero-transvere width .. .. 2.05 ,,