ANNUAL REPORT. 249 portion of the cases are now nearly ready. The curator had hoped to com- plete the work by May or June next, but this is hardly possible now, unless the Museum Fund is considerably increased. The museum is vastly improved by the additional space and new fittings, and the Council venture to think that when completed it will be a most useful and popular addition to the attraction of the Forest, and a valuable supplement to our main museum. A full report will be submitted by the Museum Committee when the work is more nearly completed. The only considerable addition is the series of specimens from the Lea Valley Excavations at the new Reservoir Works at Tottenham and Wal- thamstow. The Council has to thank in this connection Col. Bryan, Mr. Sharrock, Mr. Marsh and Mr Traill, for their kindness and assistance afforded during the visits to the works, and the care with which the various relics were preserved and forwarded to the Museum. The Council have also to thank Mr. Chalkley Gould for his continued assistance in arranging the series of specimens from the Romano-British Settlement at Chigwell. Conference of "East Anglican'' Natural History Societies.— The Second Conference was by invitation of the Club held at Dunmow on June 6th, but only two representatives of the Norfolk and Norwich Society- attended and none from Ipswich. Members of the Essex Field Club attended in numbers. A very pleasant conversation took place, introduced by Mr. W. Cole in some remarks on the advisability of initiating a sche ne for systematic collecting, more especially of marine forms. But under the circumstances no action could be taken. It is now suggested that the Third Conference should be held during the ensuing summer at Ipswich, and that town being central for the "East Anglian" district it is hoped that a goodly company will attend the meeting, and some practical work may be begun. In connection with conferences the Council have to thank Mr. F. W. Rudler, F.G.S., for acting as the Club's representative at the British Associa- tion Meeting at Glasgow. Mr. Rudler, as Chairman of the Conference, put forward some valuable advice, which will be fouud summarised in the report which he has sent in for publication in our journal. Presidency.—The Council has great pleasure in recommending the re- election of Prof. Meldola as President of the Club for the ensuing Club year. Honorary Members.—The Club has recently lost by death three very eminent Hon. Members. In view of this and with the desire of strengthening the scientific position of the Club, the Council recommend that the following gentlemen be elected at the Annual Meeting as Honorary Members of the Club. All these gentlemen have expressed themselves very favourable to the work the Club is trying to do, and several of them have already done yeoman's service in our interests :— List of Eminent Scientific Men suggested for election at the Annual Meeting, 1902, as Honorary Members of the Club. W. H. Dalton, Esq., F.G.S., (late of the Geological Survey,) Prof. J. B. Farmer, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Botany, Royal Coll of Science.