THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 261 No other Members having been proposed for any office, the above gentlemen stood elected as Members of the Council and Officers for the year 1902, and were so declared by the Chairman. The President said that the Council had resolved to recommend eight gentlemen for election as Honorary Members of the Club. The resolution passed at the last meeting would permit of the se- lection of these gentlemen at the present meeting. All had consented to become Members, and he thought that the list would show that it was representative of the different departments of science coming within the scope of the Club's studies. The President then read out the list, which is printed in the Annual Report of the Council. The election of these gentlemen as Honorary Members was proposed by Mr. E. A. Fitch, and seconded by Mr. G. E. Vaughan, and carried unanimously. The President nominated as Vice-Presidents during his year of office the following .—E. N. Buxton, J.P., Walter Crouch, F Z.S., I. Chalkley Gould, and J. C. Shenstone. F.L.S. Mr. W. Whitaker, F.R.S., proposed that votes of thanks should be given to the officers for their services during the past year. This was carried unanimously. Mr. David Howard returned thanks for the officers collectively. The President then delivered his Annual Address which was entitled "The Coming of Age of the Essex Field Club, a record of Local Scientific Work, 1880-1901." This paper was printed in the last pari, ante pp., 79-16. Mr. John Spiller, F.C.S., as an "Original Member'' of the Club, had much pleasure in proposing a cordial vote of thanks to the President for his services during the year and for the admirable Address he had delivered, and that the Address be printed in the Essex Naturalist. Rev. W. C. Howell warmly seconded the vote of thanks. Mr. David Howard in putting the vote to the meeting proposed that 250 separate copies of the President's Address should be printed off and, circulated as extensively as possible, for the purpose of calling attention to the work of the Club, in the hope of thereby recruiting the roll of membership. The vote of thanks was carried by acclamation, and Mr. Howard's proposal regarding the extra copies of the Address was agreed to also The President suitably responded, and expressed his pleasure at seeing so many old members of the Club in the room to support him in his endeavour to place the 21 years' work of the Club clearly before the county. The Hon. Secretary presented an account of the "Tea Fund," showing that the receipts had been £4 13s. 6d. and the expenditure £4 18s. 5d. SPRING WOODLAND AND MEADOW RAMBLE. Saturday, May 3RD, 1902. One of the usual Spring Rambles was arranged for the above afternoon to visit the very interesting woods in the Ongar Park district. Unfortunately the weather was extremely unsettled, and a severe storm in London prevented many members attending, including three of the