" The course of Nature is the art of God." Young. " Hear ye not the hum of mighty workings ?" Keats. " Lovely indeed the mimic works of art, But Nature's works far lovelier." Cowper. " Nature hath made nothing so base, but can Read some instruction to the wisest man." Aleyn. " If thy heart be right, then will every creature be to thee a mirror of life and a book of holy doctrine." Thomas a Kempis. " 0 Nature ! bare thy loving breast And give thy child one hour of rest, One little hour to lie unseen Beneath thy scarf of leafy green." Oliver Wendell Holmes. " He liked the well-wheel's creaking tongue— He liked the thrush that stopped and sung— He liked the drone of flies among His netted peaches; " He liked to watch the sunlight fall Athwart his ivied orchard wall; Or pause to catch the cuckoo's call Beyond the beeches." Austin Dobson.