ADVERTISEMENT. The completion of our 12th Volume affords a convenient opportunity of giving a list of the dates of the publications of the Club, for the information of new Members and Librarians. The Club was founded on January 10th, 1880, and its first publication was the Inaugural Address delivered by Mr. R. Meldola, on February 28th, 1880. This was published as a distinct pamphlet, and it also formed pp. 1-26 of Volume I. of The Transaction of the Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists' Field Club, of which Part I. appeared in September, 1880, and the following parts at irregular intervals. With Volume III. the shorter title of The Transactions of the Essex Field Club was adopted, in accordance with the change in the title of the Club. In the first three volumes, the Transactions and Proceedings had but one title-page, although with distinct pagination; but, in order to facilitate editing, it was resolved to separate them, and Volume IV. of the Transactions and Volume IV. of the Proceedings were so issued. In January, 1887, however, the publications were finally combined in The Essex Naturalist, of which the 12th Volume is now concluded. The volumes were annual up to 1894; now two years are included in each volume. In future the Essex Naturalist will be issued at regular quarterly intervals, on or about the 20th of April, July, October, and January. The Council of the Club has decided to charge 5s. per part to non-members, but the journal will be sent free by post to Members. Therefore those wishing to have the Essex Naturalist should become Members of the Club. The old series, therefore, consists of three volumes of Transactions and Proceedings combined, with single title-page for each volume, and one each of Transactions and Proceedings with separate title-pages, together with appendices. The parts were issued as follows, and the appendices indicated should be bound up with each volume :—