INDEX TO VOLUME XII. "Agricultural Geology, Elements of" (review), 240 Alteration of Rules, 25S Aminita citrina, a Fungus new to Britain, in Epping Forest, 129 Anent a Forest Lodge in 1444, 145 Annual Report of Council for 1900, 32 ; for 1901, 244 Aphodii in Epping Forest, 177 Arachnida ; Spiders of Epping Forest, 181 Archaeological Investigation, Local, Address on, 252 Arion ater, variety of, near Bures, 177 Ash-bark Beetle (Hylesinus), Mines of (paper read), 50 Avery, John, Exhibits Water-colour drawings of Essex Churches, 43 ; reads paper on George Edwards, 255 ; Exhibits some Essex Tokens, 258 Bat, Long-eared, flying by day, 67 Batrachians, a "Happy Family" of 69 Bearded Tit, specimens from Rick- ling Fen presented, 255 Beaver, Giant (Trogonthcrium) in Thames Valley, 243 Bigods, Lady Warwick's Technical School at, 152, 162 Biological and Pre-historic Archaeo- logical work in East Anglia, systematic, 159 "Birds, British," Harting's "Hand- book" of (review), 65 Black-headed Galls, nesting in Essex, 68 ; Notes on, in 1901, 120 Blister-beetle (Lytta vesicatoria) near Colchester, 177 Boat, ancient, found about 1830 near Temple Mills, 180 Books presented to Club, 255 Boulder-clay, Manganese nodules in, 137 ; the matrix of, 243 Boulger, G. S., Sea-side Plants, 125; Conducts meeting in Canvey Island, 149 Brightlingsea Harbour, Notes on a Small Shark seen in, 166 "British Birds," Harting's "Hand- book' of (review), 65 British Association, Report of Club's Delegate at Glasgow, 1901, 140 "British Rainfall," continuance of the late Mr. Symons', 72 Britton, C. E., Orchis maculata, sub- species cricetorum, in Epping Forest, 123 Bures, variety of Arion ater near. 177 Canvey Island, Visit to and Insects in, 149 Centaurea solstitialis near Witham, 178 Chelmsford, Neolithic Implements from, 266 Chigwell, Additional' Objects from Romano-British Settlement at, 238, 251 Christy, Miller, Exhibits curious form of Gerfalcon from Hatfield Forest, 50; Exhibits "rubbings" of Mines of Ash-bark beetle, 50 ; Bat flying by day, 67 Clacton, Neolithic Implements from, 266 Clarke, F. C, Exhibits lamp (? Roman) from Woodford, 40 Clark, Percy, Notes on the Black- headed Gull in Essex in 1901, 120 Coast Erosion, Notes relating to, 221; Walton and Frinton in 1902, 217 Coast of Essex, Variations in numbers and the habitat of Marine Animals of, 17 Coins, Counterfeit Spanish Dollars found in Epping Forest, 259 Colchester, Meteorological Statistics at, 178 Cole, W., Exhibits Old English form of Pheasant from) Loughton, 40; Exhibits variety of Brown Rat from Buckhurst Hill, 40 ; On deer antlers in Epping Forest, 46 ; Notice of late G. J. Symons, 57 ; Exhibits specimens illustrating Protective Resemblance in Insects, 154 ; Ex- hibits Sphinx convolvuli from Strat- ford, 154 ; Selenite in London Clay