vi. INDEX. in Roding Valley and Waltham- stow, 154; Exhibits Limenitis sibylla from East Mersea, 154; Exhibits specimens illustrative of Mimicry, 156; Exhibits Petricola pholadiformis, 156 ; Report of Conference of East Anglian Natural History Societies at Dunmow, &c., 157: Scheme for Systematic Biological and Archaeo- logical Research in East Anglia, 159 ; Notes on Dug-out Boats in the marshes of Lea and Thames, 163 ; Notes on Cryptogamic Herbarium of the late E. G. Varenne, 167; Petricola pholadi- formis in Essex and Kent, 168; Notice of late Edmund Durrant, 171 ; Notice of late Henry Walker, 173 ; Ancient Boat found in Lea Alluvium in 1830. 180; Notes relating to Coast Erosion in Essex and Suffolk, 221 ; Remarks on occurrence of rare fungi in Epping Forest, 252 ; Moves alteration of Rules, 258; Otters feeding on Mussels, 258 Colouring matters, vegetable, used in the Scotch Highlands, 45 Coming of Age of the Essex Field Club, Presidential Address, 1902, 73 Conference of East Anglian Natural History Societies at Dunmow, June 6th, 1901, 157 Connaught, Duke of, Resolution of condolence on death of Queen Victoria, sent to, 39, 42 Cooke, Dr. M. C, Notes on the larger Fungi observed at the Foray on October 12th, 1901, 127 ; A Fungoid Cucumber disease in Essex, 130 ; Notes on Fungi, Forestal, and others, 131 ; Acts as Referee at Fungus Foray, October 12th, 1901, 153 Corresponding Societies Committee of British Association, Report of Delegate at Glasgow, 1901, 140 Council Annual Report of, 1900, 32 ; 1901, 244 Crouch, Walter, Observations on Water-colour Drawings of Essex Churches, 43; Queen Elizabeth's Lodge and Epping Forest, 179 Cryptogamic Herbarium of late E. G. Varenne, 167 Cucumber Disease in Essex, 130 Cystopus lepigoni in Essex, 71 Cyclostoma elegans in the living state near Wormingford, 176 Dalton, W. H , Notice of Dr. Thresh's "Report on the Water- supply of Essex," 62; Walton and Frinton in 1902, 217; Presents specimens of Brackish - water Mollusca from Fowlness, 254; Conducts at visit to Walton Naze, 266 Deer Antlers seldom found in Epping Forest, 46 Drift of Thames Valley, Palaeolithic Implements from 52 Dug-out Boat in alluvium of Lea Valley, 11 and Plate I., do, 151 Dug-out Boats in Ancient Marshes of the Lea and Thames, 163 Dunmow, Visit to. 157 Durrant, Edmund, Obituary Notice of, 171 Dyeing materials, vegetable, used in the Scotch Highlands, 45 Dymond, T. S., Notes on Manganese Nodules in Boulder Clay in Essex, 139 Earthworks, ancient, damage done to, 253, 254 East Anglian Natural History Societies, Conference of, 157 Easton Church, Little, Visit to, 158 Easton Park, Oak and Hornbeam trees in, 159 Edwards, George, Memoir of, read, 255 Elliott, F. W., Exhibits bone from forest, gnawed by a rodent, 46; Exhibits a Quern, 255 Elliott, Harold, Capture of Limenitis sibylla at Mersea, 154 Eolithic Implements from the Plateau Gravel at Walderslade, Kent, 207; From near Rochester, presented to Museum, 259 Epping Forest, Lathyrus macrorrhizus, var. tenuifolius, from 46 ; Spiders of, 70 and 181 ; Orchis maculata, sub- species ericetorum, in, 123; Fungi notes on, 127 and 131; Amanita citrina in, 129 ; Thinning operations in, 148 ; Hydrachnida of (paper read), 156; Aphodii in, 177; Coun- terfeit Spanish Coins found in, 259 ; Oak-galls and Gall-insects of, 267 Epping Forest Museum and Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, 50 Epping Forest and Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, 179 Essex, Destructive Storm in 1841 in, 286