viii. INDEX. Hawkins, C. E. W., Black-headed Gulls nesting in Essex, 68 Hesse, E., New records of Fish in Essex Rivers, 70 Hinton, Martin, A. C, Contribu- tions to the Pleistocene Geology of the Thames Valley, Pt. II. (paper read), 156; On some Teeth of Rhinoceros from Ilford, 231 Holmes, T. V*, Geological Notes in the New Reservoirs in the valley of the Lea, 1 ; Lake-dwelling in do., 15 ; Channels of the River Lea, 16 ; Obituary Notice of the late F. Hay Wilson, 60 ; Conducts at Meeting at the New Reservoirs, 150 ; Geo- logical Notes on Railway between Ilford and Woodford, 202 ; Additional Notes on Sections at Walthamstow, 224; Review of "Agricultural Geology," 240 ; The Giant Beaver in the Thames Valley, 243 ; The matrix of the Suffolk Boulder - clay, 243 ; Exhibits Wooden Water - pipe, 250; On damage done to Ancient Earth- works, 253; Conducts at visit to Walton-Naze, 266 ; Notes on Mr. Woodward's paper on "Soils and Sub-soils of Norfolk," 288 Honorary Members, Election of, 261 Hope Museum, Oxford, Collections illustrating Mimicry in, 155 Hornbeam tree in Easton Park, 159 Howard,David, Presidential Address, March 30th, 1901, 24 ; Remarks on Little Ilford Church, 43; Vote of thanks to, 49 Howes, Prof. G. B., Address on Recent Work on Mollusca Mor- phology, 46 Hydrachnida (Water-mites) of Epping Forest (paper read), 156 Hylesinus, Ash-bark beetle, Mines of, 50 Ilford, Remarks on Palaeolithic Implements from, 41 ; Palaeolithic Implements from, 52 ; Manganese seam in Thames Valley Drift at, 135 ; On some teeth of Rhinoceros from, 231 Ilford, Little, Church of, 43 Ilford and Woodford, Geological Notes on New Railway between, 202 "Illustrations of British Fungi," Notes mainly corrigenda to, 131 Jennings, F. B., Aphodii in Epping Forest, 177 Johnson, J. P., Presents Palaeolithic Implements from Ilford to Museum, 40; Palaeolithic Implements from the low-level Drift of Thames Valley, 52 ; Neolithic Implements from the North Downs, 117; Man- ganiferous Seam in Thames Valley Drift at Ilford, 135; Eolithic Implements from Plateau Gravel round Walderslade, 207, 259 Kennard, A. S., Contributions to Pleistocene Geology of the Thames Valley, Pt. II. (paper read), 156; On local Archaeological Investiga- tion, 254; Presents Eolithic Stones from near Rochester, 259 Lake Dwelling in Lea Marshes, 15 Lamna cornubica (Porbeagle Shark) near Tollesbury, 176 Lamp of Clay (? Roman) from Wood- ford, 40 Lathyrus macrorrhiza, var. tenuifolius, from Epping Forest, 46 Lea River, Channels of, 16; Ancient Boat found in deposits, about 1830, 180; Dug-out Boats found in Marshes of, 163 Lea Valley, Geological Notes on the New Reservoirs at, 1 ; Excava- tions in, visit to, 150 ; Relics from, 152 ; Sections shown in New Reservoirs in, 224 Lewis, E. J., Oak Galls and Gall- insects of Epping Forest, 41, 267 Library Table, The, 62 ; 240 Limenitis sibylla from Mersea. 154 Lippmann's Colour Photograph exhibited, 50 Littler, H. W., Exhibits and pre- sents to Museum old Hand-printing blocks, and Notes on, 43 Lovett, Edward, Fish-hooks of Wood from France, 28 and 41 Lytta vesicatoria near Colchester, 177 McConnell, Primrose, "Agricul- tural Geology," review of, 240; Conducts at Meeting at Ongar Park Woods, 262 Maitland, Rev. J. W., Presents specimen of "Old English" Pheasant to Museum, 40 Manganiferous Seam in the Thames Valley Drift at Ilford, 135 ; Nodules in the Boulder-clay of Essex, 137