INDEX. Marine Animals, Variation in num- bers and habitat on Coast of Essex, Marshes, Ancient of the Lea and Thames, Dug-out boats in, 163 Massee, George, Notes on Micro- Fungi at the "Foray" on Oct. 12th, 1901,128 ; Amanita citrina, a Fungus new to Britain, in Epping Forest, 129; Exhibits drawings of Micro- Fungi, 153 ; Presents coloured drawing of Amanita citrina, 251 Meldola, Prof. R., Proposes Reso- lution of Condolence on death of Queen Victoria, 39; On Miall's "Harlequin Fly," 40; Remarks on Palaeolith Implement from Ilford, 41 ; Observations on survival of Ancient Customs, 41; Remarks on Lewis's paper on Oak Galls, 41 ; On Vegetable Colours used in Dye- ing in Highlands, 45 ; Elected President, 49; Exhibits a Lipp- mann's Colour Photograph, 50; The Coming of Age of the Essex Field Club, Address, 73; Lecture on Mimetic Insects, 155; Speaks in support of Systematic Biological and Archaeological Work in East Anglia, 159; On exhibition of Objects from Romano-British Settlement at Chigwell, 251 ; Exhibits flint flake from Sherring- ham, 251 ; Remarks on local Archaeological Investigation, 252 ; Remarks on Prof. Poulton's lecture on Mimicry, 256; Thanks to, as President, 261 Mersea, East, Liminilis sibylla in, 154 Meteorology, Weather of 1900, 71 ; Statistics of Weather at Colchester, 178 Miall, Prof., Book on the "Harlequin Fly," 40 Micro-Fungi, observed at "Foray" on Oct. 12th, 1901, 128 Mimicry, Lecture on by Medola, 155 ; Lecture on by Poulton, 255 Mollusca, Recent work on Morphology of (address), 46 ; Harting's collec- tion of Land and Fresh-water, presented, 255 Mothersole, H., Exhibits Neolithic Implement from Chelmsford, 266 Mullerian Theory of Mimicry, Remarks on, 257 Murie, Dr. James, Conducts at Meeting in Canvey, June 15th 1901, 149 Mus hibernicus, 40 Mussels, River, as food of Otter, 258 Museum, Epping Forest, and Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, 50 ; Relics from Lea Valley, presented to, 152 Museum Notes, 167 and 238 Neolithic Implements from the North Downs near Sutton, 117 Norfolk, Soils and Sub-soils of, 288 Notes, Original and Selected, 67, 176, 243 and 286 Oak Galls and Gall-insects of Epping Forest, 41, 267 Oak tree in Easton Park, 159 Obituary Notices, 57 and 171 Officers and Council for 1901, 48; for 1902, 260 Ongar Park Woods, Visit to, 262 Orchis maculata, sub-species ericetorum, in Epping Forest, 123 Otters in Essex Salt-Marshes, 176; feeding on Swan Mussels, 258 Palaeolithic Implements from Ilford, 41 ; from the low-level drift of Thames Valley, 52 Petricola pholadiformis in Essex and Kent, 168 Pheasant, "Old English" form, from Loughton, 40 Photograph, Natural Colour, Lipp- mann's, exhibited, 50 ; Sanger - Shepherd's process demonstrated, 50 ; specimens exhibited, 155 Picton, H., Exhibits Neolithic Implement from Clacton, 266 Plants, Sea-side, 125 Plateau-Gravel around Walderslade, Eolithic Implements from the, 207 Plecotus auritus (Long-eared Bat) fly- ing by day, 67 Pleistocene Geology of Thames Valley, Part II. (paper read), 156 Pomatias elegans in a living state near Wormingford, 176 Porbeagle Shark near Tollesbury, 176 Poulton, Prof. E. B., Lecture on Protective Resemblance and Mimi- cry, 255 Presidential Addresses, March 30th, 1901, 24; March 22nd, 1902, 73 and 261 Printing-blocks, Hand, from old silk- works at Waltham Abbey, 43 Protective Resemblance and Mimicry, 155, 255