INDEX. Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, 50 and 179 Queen Victoria, Vote of Condolence on death of, 39 and 42 Quern exhibited, 255 "Rainfall, British," Note on con- tinuance of the late Mr. Symons', 72 Rat, Black variety of Brown, from Buckhurst Hill, 40 Read, C. H., Remarks on Seton- Karr's Implements from Somali- land, 251 ; Address on Local Archaeological Investigation, 252 Reader, F. W., Exhibits models showing Modes of Hafting Flint Implements, 260 " Report on Water Supply of County of Essex," Notice of, 62 Rhinoceros, On some teeth of, from Ilford, 231 Rivers, Essex, New records of Fish in, 70 Romano-British Settlement at Chig- well, Objects from, 23S and 251 Rookwood, Lord, Vote of Condolence to Lady Rookwood, on death of, 250 and 255 Rope, G. H., Pomatias elegans, in a living state near Wormingford, 176; variety of Arion ater near Bures, 177 Rudler, F. W., Delegate's Report of Corresponding Societies Com- mittee, British Association, 1901, 140, 259 Rules, alterations in, 258 Saint Edmund, Legend of, 263 Salt-marshes, Essex, Otters in, 176 Sanger-Shepherd's system of Colour Photography, Demonstration of, 50 Sea-side Plants, 125 Selenite in London Clay in Roding Valley, 154 Seton-Karr, H. W., Presents Stone Implements from Somaliland and elsewhere, 251 Shark, Small, seen in Brightlingsea Harbour, 166 Sharrock, C. W., Conducts Meeting at New Reservoirs in Lea Valley, 150 Sherringham, Norfolk, Flint Flake from, 251 Smith, F. P., Epping Forest Spiders, Note on, 70 ; the Spiders of Epping Forest, 181 ; Lecture on Spiders, 259 Soar, C. D., The Water Mites (Hydrachnida) of Epping Forest (paper read), 156 Soils and Sub-Soils of Norfolk, 288 Somaliland, Stone Implements of Palaeolithic type from, 251 Sorby, Dr. H. C, Variation in number and habitat of Marine Animals on Essex Coast, 17; Note on a small Shark seen in Bright- lingsea Harbour, 166 Southwell, Thomas, On systematic Biological Work in East Anglia, 160 Sphinx convolvuli at Stratford, 154 Spiders, Epping Forest, 70 ; Mr. Smith's paper on, 181 Spiller, John, Remarks on the West Ham Abbey Print Works, 44 Stone Implements of Palaeolithic type from Somaliland, 251 Storm in Essex, in 1841, 286 Stratford, Sphinx convolvuli at, 154 Suffolk and Essex, Notes relating to Coast Erosion, 221 Suffolk, Boulder-clay, the matrix of, 243 Sutherland, Duchess of, Vegetable colouring matters used in dyeing in Scotch Highlands, 45 Sutton, Surrey, Eolithic Implements from the North Downs near, 117 Symons, C. J., Obituary notice and portrait of, 57 Tea Fund, 1901-2, 261 Temple Mills, Ancient Boat found in Lea deposits near, in 1830, 180 Thames Valley, Palaeolithic Imple- ments from the Low-level Drift of, 52 ; Manganese Seam at Ilford, 135; Dug-out Boats in Ancient Marshes of the, 163 ; Giant Beaver in, 243 Thresh, Dr. J. C, "Report on Water Supply of the County of Essex," Notice of, 62 Thresh (Miss) May, Manganese Nodules in the Boulder-clay of Essex, 137 Tokens, Essex, Exhibited, 258 Tollesbury, Porbeagle Shark near, 176 Toot Hill, Derivation of name, 263 Traill, W. Conducts at Meeting at New Reservoirs in Lea Valley, 150 Triglochin palustre near Witham, 178 Trogontherium in Thames Valley, 243 Turner, E. E., Centaurea solstitialis, &c., near Witham, 178