6 WORK IN THE FIELD AMONGST THE FUNGI. that was Gomphidius gracilis. B. Common nowhere, but chiefly found in the West of England. A somewhat uncommon species in the Forest district was Inocybe pyriodora with the odour of pears, but it has been recorded previously in our lists. I was glad also to see Boletus versipellis, which the velvety pileus, and rather peculiar scaliness of the stem, distinguishes from the red form of Boletus scaber, with which it has often been confounded. Nothwithstanding the unfavourable dry winds of late, and the scant appearance of Fungi in the Forest, the Foray of 1902 has been the most successful for many years, if we measure success by the number of species found which are new to the Forest dis- trict. There was one peculiarity which may be noted, as such facts may ultimately prove to be of service, that some of the usually common species were almost, or entirely absent, whilst others were extremely common. It was remarkable to observe the profusion of Amanita phalloides, Collybia butyracea, Collybia maculata,. Lactarius turpis, and Marasmius peronatus, and equally strange that only one specimen of Cantharellus cibarius was seen, and not one of Cantharellus aurantiacus, only one Amanita rubescens, hardly any species of Tricholoma, only two or three specimens of the Rhodosporae, very few Boleti, including one Boletus edulis, and two- of Boletus scaber, which are usually so common. One solitary specimen of Collybia dryophila, one Psilocybe semilanceata, and very few Cortinarii or Hygrophorii. Mycologists who have been accus- tomed to rambles in the Forest will realize at once the singularity of the fungus flora of the year. The additions to the Forest Flora were as follows : — Tricholoma stans, Fr. Cooke Illus. pl. 198. Clitocybe tuba, Fr. Apparently not before recorded. Cooke Illus. pl. 112. Collybia stridula, Fr., not figured. Collybia tenacella, Fr. Cooke Illus. pl. 152b, 640. Mycena flavo-alba, Fr. Cooke Illus. pl. 159b. Mycena oetites, Fr. Cooke Illus. pl. 188a. Pholiota aurivella, Batsch, Cooke Illus. pl. 351. Hebeloma petiginosa, Fr. Cooke Illus. pl. 508b. Psalliota comptulus, Fr. Cooke Illus. pl. 553. Russula ochracea, A. and S. Cooke Illus. pl. 1050. Russula nitida, Pers. Cooke Illus. pl. 1062 1063. Marasmius vaillantii, Fr. Cooke Illus. pl. 1126a.