24 FURTHER ADDITIONS TO EPPING FOREST. that tins is a valuable addition to the forest. It "rounds off" Mr. Buxton's gift of Yardley Hill in a most satisfactory manner, and brings that land into full sweep with the north-western corner of Bury Wood. Mr. Peter Gallatly, one of the Verderers of the forest, has made a voluntary conveyance of a piece of freehold with a cottage upon it, situate in the Fairmead, Loughton, and entirely surrounded by forest land. This sinks one of the "islands" referred to by Sir Fowell Buxton as being motes on the fair face of the forest. In the report presented on the 15th January, 1903, the Committee said :— " On the 13th March last your Honourable Court referred to us to take such steps as might be necessary with regard to the offer by Gerald Buxton, Esq., the Lord of the Manor of Theydon Bois, to present to the Corporation the greater part of Bell Common, near Epping, and the waste land along Ivy Chimneys Road. So much of the Common as is situated in Epping was acquired by the Corporation in 1876, but the remainder, singularly enough, was outside the ancient boundary of the Forest, although unenclosed, and after the Forest was vested in the Conservators several abortive attempts were made to purchase from the then Lord of the Manor the portion in Theydon Bois, containing 7 acres 0 roods 11 perches. Mr. Gerald Buxton, however, generously offered to convey the land, together with some roadside wastes in Ivy Chimneys Road, containing o acres 3 roods 34 perches to the Conservators. We instructed Mr. Solicitor to complete the matter, and the land has been conveyed accordingly, and forms a valuable addition to the Forest. " The Belle Vue Estate, Walthamstow, adjoining Walthamstow Forest, has recently been developed as a building estate, and as the Eastern boundary abutting on the Forest was very irregular, the owner of the estate proposed a give-and-take line. After we had viewed the property, negotiations took place, and an arrange- ment was made by which the owners of the estate conveyed to the Conservators a piece of woodland, containing 1 acre 1 rood 33 perches, in exchange for the forest land thrown into the public way, containing 3 roods.'' Several other matters are refered to in the last three years' reports, such as the enlargement of the Hollow Pond, Leyton- stone, at an estimated cost of £1.800, towards which Mr. E. N. Buxton contributed £300, the Urban District Council of Wal- thamstow £300, out of the Epping Forest Fund £600, and the remainder from the Corporation Funds. The pond at Chingford, near Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, has been cleansed and deepened, and the same operation has been performed at the Higham Park Lake. A new entrance to Wanstead Park from the Ilford Recreation Ground by a road and a rustic bridge over the Roding