A NEW FOREST OF WALTHAM. 25 has been made by the Urban Council by permission of the Con- servators. Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence, Bart., M.P., has erected a handsome granite drinking-fountain near the Lodge at Ching- ford. Finally, the old Tapestry in Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, has been restored by the expert, M. Brignolas, at a cost of £132 3s., and the renovated pieces have been placed in prominent positions in the Museum. The Forest is evidently making rapid progress, and a new official map will soon be necessary to register the valuable accretions and improvements of recent years. A NEW FOREST OF WALTHAM. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. (With Plates I., II., and III.) POLITICAL Economy has been called the "dismal science," and the pseudo-"scientific" views which prevailed on social subjects in the dark ages of the middle of the last century well justified the phrase. To sacrifice the nation's most precious heritage of shady woods and breezy commons for the sake of a few thousand pounds added to the Queen's Exchequer, or to satisfy the restless craving for unallotted acres of avaricious neighbouring landowners, were proceedings lauded by professors of economics as gains worthy of long years of Enclosure Acts and landlord-created Commissions. To these erroneous views of a people's true wealth and happiness, we owe the most regretful of all the 19th Century enclosures, that of the beautiful division of Waltham Forest known as Hainhault. The disafforestation of Hainhault was accomplished by an Act of Parliament passed in 1851. The legal "forest" then consisted of 17,450 acres, of which about 4,000 acres were unenclosed and subjects to rights of common; 2,900 acres of the said 4,000 were called King's Woods, in which the Crown had the right of the soil and timber. Under a subsequent Act (1858) the Assistant Commissioner allotted 1,877 acres to form commons for the parishes of Barking, Dagenham, Stapleford Abbots, Lambourne, Chigwell, Woodford, and Navestock. It will be thus seen that although the action of the ill- advisers of the Crown was bad enough, they had some saving