NOTES—ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. 39 from our pages. On that day, 186 Fallow and 6 Roe were seen, and it was estimated that in addition about 50 fallow and 30 roe deer belonging to the Conservators were hiding in coverts of estates adjoining the forest. This is an encouraging record, showing the vitality of the herds. BIRDS. Tawny Owl Breeding in Colchester.—This evening, June 17th, 1902, I went with a friend to look at the owls in St. Mary's Churchyard and the Rectory Garden, in the centre of this town, within 150 yards of the High Street. We had the pleasure of seeing at one time in an acacia tree, five Tawny Owls (Syrnium aluco) and hearing three others, young ones, on other trees, calling for food. One of the five had previously been sitting on a chimney-pot of a house near by, hooting and squeaking. Persons passing through the Churchyard did not seem to alarm them.—Henry Laver, F.L.S. [In a letter dated August nth, Dr. Laver adds:—"The owls are still about here, and are just as noisy as ever."] Hoopoe at Donyland.—On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, August 8th to 10th, 1902, Col. Holroyd saw a Hoopoe in his grounds at Donyland Lodge. It was not at all shy, and came very near to the windows of the house. It has now left, and one can only hope that wherever it may go it will receive the same hospitality. It was, I understand, very amusing to see the curiosity shown by the other birds in the grounds at this stranger; they were evidently surprised at such an uncanny visitor.—Henry Laver, F.L.S. Black-headed Gulls on the Thames Embankment, and their Habits.—The gulls on the Thames above bridge have been very numerous this winter and excellent opportunity of watching them can be found on the Embankment. In spite of the open weather, there have usually been a couple of hundred or so in the reach between Blackfriars and Waterloo Bridges. The favourite manner of feeding them is by throwing pieces of bread into the air for the birds to catch, and if the food is thrown up to a fairly uniform height the birds never miss it. When I have been watching them the wind has been fairly up or down