49 THE SPIDERS OF EPPING FOREST. By FRANK P. SMITH. (Continued from Vol. XII., page 201). (With Plates IV. and V.) V.—A SYSTEMATIC LIST OF THE SPIDERS OF EPPING FOREST. IN the following descriptive list the names of those species which have been recorded as occurring in Epping Forest will be distinguished by being printed in thicker type. The term "Epping Forest" must be taken to signify the district defined by Mr. William Cole in the Essex Naturalist, vol. vi., page 10, together with the recently acquired portions of the old "Hainhault Forest."1 In order to economize space as much as possible, synonyms will be given only where the names here adopted differ from those employed by Rev. O. P. Cambridge in his List of British and Irish Spiders, this work being indicated by the abbreviation "Cambr. List." Length measurements of the species will not be given, but they can be obtained from the present writer's papers, entitled An Introduction to British Spiders (printed in Science Gossip). DESCRIPTIONS OF PLATES. Plate IV.—Portions of Palpi of Male Spiders. Fig. a. Dysdera crocota, Male Palpal Organs. „ b. Dysdera cambridgii „ ,, ,, c. Harpactes hombergii ,, ,, ,, d. Segestria senoculata ,, ,, ,, e. Oonops pulcher ,, ,, ,, ,, f. Drussus lapidosus ,, ,, ,, ,, g. Prosthesima subterranea } Male-Tibial apophyses viewed from ,, h. Prosthcsima pedestris } beneath. ,, j. Clubiona subtilis. Male. Tibia, viewed from above. ,, k. Clubiona trivialis ,, ,, , ,, l. dubiella diversa ,, ,, ,, ,, m. Clubiona terrestris ,, ,, ,, ,, n. Clubiona lutescens ,, ,, ,, ,, o. Clubiona grisea ,, ,, ,, ,, p. Clubiona neglecta „ ,, ,, ,, q. Clubiona pallidula. „ „ ,, ,, r. Clubiona holosericea ,, ,, 1 See Note and Sketch-Map on the boundaries of Waltham Forest at page 75. Mr. Smith's limits for records may be held to extend over the district defined by the map. —Ed.