86 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. which would be fitted eventually. The diagrams were original coloured drawings made by Dr. M. C. Cooke specially for the Museum, and consequently they were of interest and educational value. Nomination of Officers and Council.—In view of the Annual Meeting Nominations of Officers and New Members of Council were made. (See report of the Annual Meeting.) Lecture on British Vespidae and their Vespiaries.—A lecture on this subject was delivered by Mr. Edward Connold, F.E.S., illustrated with over fifty lantern slides, photographed by Mr. Connold from actual specimens in his possession, illustrative of the British Social Wasps and their Architecture. The six species of British Vespidae were depicted as seen under natural conditions. The mechanism by which the sting is moved, and the wings linked together was explained. The construction of a Vespiary, from its earliest stage until disintegration takes place, was fully shown. And a unique set of charming views portrayed the actual digging out of a nest of Vespa germanica, which had contained about 45,000 inhabitants. At the close of the lecture an interesting discussion on the habits of wasps was carried on by the Chairman, Mr. F. Enock, Mr. Elliott, Mr. F. H. Varley, Mr. W. Cole, and the Lecturer, and at the end Mr. Connold was cordially thanked for his very interesting and well illustrated lecture. THE 23rd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Saturday, April 4TH, 1903. The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Club was held as usual at Stratford, Professor G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., Vice-President, in the Chair.1 The minutes of the Annual Meeting, held on March 22nd, 1902, and printed in the Essex Naturalist, Vol. xii., pp. 261-2, were read and confirmed. The Chairman said that the members were sorry that Professor Meldola's continued illness prevented his presence amongst them, and the same regrettable cause would deprive them of a Presidential address that evening. It was also announced that the Treasurer was unavoidably detained on the Continent. The usual financial statements from him and the passing of the balance-sheet was postponed until a later meeting. The Secretary read the Annual Report of the Council for the year 1902. This was received and adopted, and it is printed in the present part of the E.N. pp. 88-91. At the meeting on February 28th last, the following members retired from the Council by the Rules:—Rev. W. S. Lach-Szyrma, Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S., Mr. E. N. Buxton, J.P., and Mr. J. E. Harting, F.L.S. And there was one vacancy. At the same meeting the following were duly proposed :—Rev. W. S. Lach- Szyrma, Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, Mr. E. N. Buxton, Mr. J. E. Harting, and Mr. Robert Paulson. As Officers for 1903 the following were nominated :—President—Mr. F. W. Rudler, F.G.S., Vice-President Anth. Inst, (late Curator of Museum of Practical Geology); Treasurer—Mr. David Howard, J.P., F.C.S.; Hon. Secretaries— 1 It had been necessary to postpone this meeting from the date originally fixed (viz., March 28th) in consequence of the Students' Conversazione at the Institute taking place on that evening.