NOTES—ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. 95 capable of dyeing wool blue, was as great a marvel in its way as the discovery of the art of producing fire." The most useful colours, the browns and blacks (tannin derivatives) are obtainable from various barks and roots, oak, alder, walnut, water-lily, tor- mentil, &c., while some of the lichens yield browns of great beauty. These colours are those still made use of in Scotland. ANTHROPOLOGY. A Neolithic Stone-Hammer from Braintree, Essex. — When the Rev. J. W. Kenworthy read his FIG. I.—A STONE HAMMER-HEAD, Probably of the Bronze Age, two-thirds actual size. Braintree. paper on the Braintree Lake - Dwelling he was under the impression that a flint Arrow - head from the site was in the possession of Mrs. Sydney Courtauld. Upon enquiry however, Mrs. Courtauld very kindly told me