THE SPIDERS OF EPPING FOREST. 215 13. Patella III. at least as long as patella IV. .. .. Euophrys Patella III. shorter than patella IV. ., .. 14 14. Palpus of male with femoral apophysis ., .. Heliophanus Palpus of male without femoral apophysis .. .. 15 15. Caput about half the length of thorax .. .. Phlegra Caput much more than half the length of thorax .. Attus Genus SALTICUS, Latr, [Epiblemum, Hentz, Cambr. List.] This genus includes several small spiders with the abdomen of a blackish tint ornamented with diagonal bands of white scales. Salticus scenicus, Clerck. The well-known "Zebra- spider" of our gardens. Common in many parts of the Forest upon palings. Salticus cingulatus, Panz. A few specimens found upon willow trunks on Edmonton Marshes. A third species is found in Britain, S. affinitatus, Cambr. Genus MARPESSA, C. L. Koch. Large Salticids, usually of plain tints, but nevertheless very beautifully marked. They are not easily seen when motionless upon palings on account of their striking resemblance to splashes of mud. Marpessa muscosa, Clerck. Upon palings in Wanstead Park, and several other parts of the Forest. Two British species, M. pomatia, Walck, and M. melanognatha, Luc. have not yet occurred in the Forest area. Genus HELIOPHANUS, C. L. Koch. Many of the species of this genus are of various tints of dark metallic green. They are very active spiders, and may usually be found upon sunny days running amongst low plants and adroitly jumping from leaf to leaf. Heliophanus cupreus, Walck. This species has occurred at Loughton, Theydon Bois, and Epping. Two other British representatives of this genus, H. expers Cambr., and H. flavipes, C. L. Koch, have not been definitely recorded from the Forest, but several immature specimens taken near Loughton certainly had the appearance of belonging to the last-mentioned species. Genus BALLUS, C. L. Koch. Small, dull-coloured Salticids, of a very flattened form, found