216 THE SPIDERS OF EPPING FOREST. upon bushes and low herbage, I have taken the only British species on several occasions in the Forest. Ballus depressus, Walck.—Found at Loughton, amongst heather and low herbage, and also by beating furze bushes in bloom. Genus NEON, Simon. Small, active spiders, usually found amongst low herbage. Neon reticulatus, Bl.—Found by Rev. O. P. Cambridge, near Loughton. I have never myself taken it in the Forest area. N. levis, Sim., also occurs in Britain, but has not yet been found in the Forest. Genus DENDRYPHANTES, C. L. Koch. The single British species, D. hastatus, C. L. Koch, has not occurred in the Forest. Genus HYCTIA, Simon. One rare species, H. nivoyi, Luc, occurs in Britain, but has not been found in Epping Forest. Genus EUOPHRYS, C. L. Koch. Small active spiders, of plain colours, but usually prettily marked. They are found commonly on the outskirts of woods and upon sunny banks, especially in sandy districts. Euophrys frontalis, Walck. Not uncommon in many parts of the Forest district. The male is much more darkly coloured than the female, especially in the region of the caput. Three other species are found in Britain, E. erraticus, Walck.; E. aequipes, Cambr.; and E. petrensis, C. L. Koch. Genus HASARIUS, Simon. Handsome spiders, of moderate size, usually found upon bushes and shrubs. Their legs are powerful and they jump with great rapidity. Hasarius falcatus, Bl. This species is fairly common upon herbage in various parts of the Forest, notably the district between Theydon Bois and Epping. Hasarius arcuatus, Clk. Several specimens of this rarity have occurred in the forest, one being from Loughton. Three other species have been recorded as British, H. latabuudus, C. L. Koch; H. adansonii, Sav.; and H. nicholsonii, Cambr. The last two species are in all probability importations,