218 HISTORY OF ESSEX BOTANY. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate IX. 1. Clubiona coerulescens, Tibia of ♂ palpus. 2. Agroeca proxima, ♀ genital area. 3. Agroeca, brunnea, part of palpus of ♂ 4. Zora maculata, ♀ genital area. 5. Agroeca proxima, part of palpus of ♂ 6. Agroeca brunnea, ♀ genital area. 7. Zora maculata, part of palpus of ♂ 8. Micaria pulicaria, ♀ genital area. 9. Micaria pulicaria, part of palpus of ♂ Plate X. 1. Tibellus oblongus, ♀ genital area. 2. Anyphaena accentuata, part of palpus of ♂ 3. „ ,, „ another view. 4. Philodromus dispar, ♀ genital area. 5. Sparassus virescens, ♀ genital area. 6. Philodromus aureolus, ♀ genital area. 7. Philodromus dispar, part of palpus of ♂ 8. Anyphaena accentuata, ♀ genital area. 9. Philodromus aureolus, part of palpus of ♂ [N.B. Figures relating to some of the species in the above instalment of the paper will be given on future plates.—Ed.] (To be continued.) HISTORY OF ESSEX BOTANY. By Prof. G. S. BOULGER, F.L.S., F.G.S., Vice-President. Part I. (continued from Vol. XI, p. 236). The Botanists of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Since the publication of the previous instalment of this paper I have discovered four oversights. On p. 172, of vol. xi., after Gerard's record of Potentilla palustris, the following should have appeared :— p. 847. Angelica silvestris. "I have seene the same in lowe fennie and marshie places of Essex, about Harwich : this plant hath leaves like unto the garden Angelica, but smaller, and fewer in number, set upon one ribbe, a great stalke, grasse and thicke, whose joints, and that small rib whereon the leafe groweth, is of a reddish colour, having many long branches comming forth of a huske or case, such as is in the common garden parsnep : the flowers grow at the top of the branches, of a white colour and tuft fashion, which being past there succeede broad, long and thicke seeds, longer and thicker than garden Angelica : the