220 HISTORY OF ESSEX BOTANY. various college offices before his ordination in 1660. In that year he issued anonymously his Catalogue of Cambridge Plants, two appendices to which were published in 1663 and 1685 respec- tively. In the former of these appendices occurs the first British record of Bupleurum tenuissimum L. Then, having lost his fellowship, and retired into lay communion, in consequence of the Bartholomew Act, after several tours through England, Wales, and the Lowlands of Scotland, and his continental journey with Willughby in 1663, Ray became domesticated with his most celebrated pupil at Middleton. In 1667 he became a Fellow of the Royal Society, and in 1670 he published his Catalogus Plantarum Anglia, for twenty years the handbook of British botanists. This little work enumerates 27 Essex species, of which 17 were new to Essex. They are the following :— Polypogon monspeliensis Desf, (from Lobel), p. 15. Asparagus officinalis L. (from Gerard), p. 31. Bupleurum tenuissimum L., p. 37. *Lathyrus nissolia L., p. 61. "Conferva palustris," p. 78. Crocus sativus L. (from Gerard), p. 87. Cynoglossum germanicum Jacq. (from Gerard), p. 90. *Frankenia lavis L., p. 101. *Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, p. 111. *Carex pendula Huds., p. 147. *Lepturus filiformis, Trin. var. incurvatus., p. 152. *Calamagrostis epigeios Roth., p. 152. *Juncus maritimus Sm., p. 179. Lathyrus hirsutus L. (from Merrett), p. 190. Lepidium latifolium L., p. 191. Statice limonium L., p. 194, *Cardamine amara L., p. 220. *Berberis vulgaris L., p. 229. †*Potamogeton interruptus Kit., var. scoparius, p. 251. Thlaspi arvense L., p. 295. *Lepidium ruderale L., p. 296 Tilia vulgaris Hayne (from Turner), p. 297. Tilia platyphyllos Scop., p. 297. *Trifolium squamosum L., p. 306. *T. subterraneum L., p. 306.