HISTORY OF ESSEX BOTANY. 225 ut ejus ope Historia nostra aliquot mendis repurgata, et speciebus aucta sit." In the first two volumes of the Historia, which comprise nearly 2,000 pp. folio, some 6,900 plants are described. Of these only a comparatively small proportion are British and of these last only the less common are localised, so that the number of species recorded from Essex is not very great. Though many of these were the result of Dale's collecting, there are others, chiefly from Faulkbourne or Black Notley, sufficient to disprove the notion that Ray was entirely a closet naturalist. A third edition of the Catalogus being required, Ray, as he had been advised by his friend, Dr. Ralph Johnson, determined to replace its merely alphabetical arrangement by one in accordance with his views on taxonomy ; but, as a preliminary, issued in the same year as the second volume of the Historia, a 27 pp. supplement to the Catalogus, entitled Fasciculus Stirpium Britannicarum, post editum Plantarum Anglia Catalogum observatarum, which, in addition to several rare Alpine plants from Wales and others from Cornwall, describes several new fungi, mosses and grasses and other plants, collected by Dale in Essex. Many of these had already been described in the two volumes of the Historia, although not in the Catalogus. The records in the first and second volumes of the Historia are :— *Ahnfeltia plicata J. Ag. *Halidrys siliquosa Lyngb. "Conferva palustris." *Lunularia vulgaris Michel. Potamogeton interruptus Kit. var. scoparius. *Ruppia rostellata Koch. *Atriplex littoralis L. var. serrata Moq. A. laciniata L. *Hypochaeris maculata L. Peucedanum officinale L. Bupleurum tenuissimum L. Cynoglossum germanicum Jacq. *Mentha rotundifolia Huds. Damasonium stellatum Pers. *Sisymbrium irio L. Lepidium latifolium L.