228 HISTORY OF ESSEX BOTANY loco putrido & palustri prope molendinum Machins mill dictum sesquimilliari a Witham oppido versus Camalodunum. [Carex distans L.] p. 1296. 4. Gramen cyperoides ex monte Ballon spica divulsa J.B. In pratis prope Witham Colcestrensem in Essexia. [Carex divisa Huds.] p. 1528. Prunus sylvestris, fructu rubro acerbo, & ingrato. . . . . . The black Bullace-tree. A D. Dale observata est haec arbor in sepibus secus viam publicam, uno minus milliari trans Oppidum Chelmesfordiam versus Brantriam in Essexia. Item prope Bocking vicum, ad viam quoe inde Coggeshalliam ducit. Tandem ad dimidii milliaris distantiam a Clara Suffolciae oppido itinere Brantriano, in sepibus. [Prunus insititia Huds.] Of some 150 species described in the "Fasciculus," 20 are from Essex and most of these are due to the observations of Dale. They are :— Allium oleraceum, as above. Atriplex littoralis serrata, "Narrow-leav'd Sea-Orrache, plentifully by the river, and on the banks of the marshes about Maldon and elsewhere." Atriplex laciniata, "Jagged Sea-Orrache. On the Sea shore near little Holland in Essex, found also by Mr. Dale in the Isle of Mersea, not far from Colchester, plentifully." *Filix saxatilis ramosa maritima nostras. Branched stone-fern . . . . Mr. Newton once found it in a Well at Maldon in Essex." This appears to be a young seedling of Pteris aquilina L. Such seedlings growing in the chinks of damp walls have, as Messrs. Trimen and Dyer point out,5 a delicate appearance very unlike the usual form, and are barren." Halidrys siliquosa, as in the Historia, quoted above. Ahnfeltia plicata, here styled "Fucus," instead of the "Alga" of the Historia, and stated to have been found "prope Walton" instead of "circa Hollandiam." Agropyron junceum Beauv., as in the Historia, quoted above. Carex distans L., as in the Historia quoted above. Carex divisa Huds., as in the Historia quoted above. Gramen exile duriusculum maritimum Hist. nost. p. 1287, Small maritime hard grass. In arenosis maris littoribus. I found it on the Essex shore by little Holland between Walton and S Osythe. [Festuca rottbaellioides Kunth] Lunularia vulgaris, as in the Historia. Lichen sive Lactuca marina tubulosa Hist. nost. p. 77. "In fluviis & fossis majoribus quas mari singulis aestuum accessibus influit : Prope Camalodu- num in Essexia observata." [Enteromorpha intestinalis Link.] Silene anglica L. "Mr. Dale hath lately discovered among Corn in Essex. He takes it to be the Lychnis arvensis minor Anglica Park., found among the Corn near Colchester." 5 Flora of Middlesex, p. 342.