CHARCOAL-BURNING IN ESSEX. 241 Ramsden and South Hanningfield or between Writtle and Blackmore, here and there will be found a cord of wood cut ready for burning and the blackened hearth on which the operation is carried out, hard by which will stand the simple hut in which the charcoal-burner lives when at work. A hundred years have made no change in his methods ; abandoned and upturned by the side of a woodland drive near Ramsden may be seen the discarded still with which an attempt was made a CHARCOAL BURNER'S HUT, WRITTLE WOODS. few years back to resuscitate and revolutionize the industry by using a process in which the wood spirit, pyrolignous acid, and creosote could be recovered. It is not my purpose in this note to describe fully the particulars of the charcoal-burning as carried on in Essex. I must refer those who are interested in the subject to the forth- coming volume of the Victoria History, treating of the Industries of the County, and I would also recommend a visit to Mr. Thomas Hunt, landlord of the "Windmill Inn," in the parish of Q