262 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. Mr. Reader and Mr. Kennard also exhibited a series of the antiquities obtained during the explorations. It is hoped that an epitome of the lecture, so far as relates to matters of interest to Essex students, may be given in the Essex Naturalist. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Reader and Mr. Kennard, on the proposal of the President, who expressed his high appreciation of the value of the observations and of the care and skill with which the work had been carried out. A short discussion and demonstration of the objects themselves was carried on by Mr. Rudler, Mr. Walter Crouch, Mr. Kennard, and the author. Annual Meeting.—It was announced that the Annual Meeting could not easily be held in March, inasmuch as the only available date (20th) was fixed for the Students' Conversazione at the Institute. The Council, therefore, proposed to fix the meeting for April 16. This was agreed to by the meeting. THE 24th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Saturday, April i6th, 1904. The 24th Annual Meeting of the Club was held as usual at Stratford, Mr. F. W. Rudler, President, in the Chair. The minutes of the 23rd Annual Meeting, held on April 4th, 1903, and printed in the Essex Naturalist, Vol. xiii., pp. 86-7, were read and confirmed. The Secretary read the Annual Report of the Council for the year 1903. Mr. David Howard, J.P., the Treasurer, submitted the financial statements for the years 1902 and 1903. The former had been postponed from the last Annual Meeting for the reason then stated. Mr. Howard made a few observations on the accounts, and expressed a wish that the adverse balance shown might speedily be blotted out. The most effectual way to do this was to increase the number of paying members to replace those lost by death and other causes. Mr. Walter Crouch moved the adoption of the report of the Council and the Treasurer's financial statement, and this was seconded by Mr. T. V. Holmes, and carried unanimously. (The report and financial statements are printed in the present part, pp. 264—271). The President echoed the wish of the Council and Treasurer that more young men of scientific tastes would become interested in the Club, and so enlarge the roll of members and particularly of "working members." At the Meeting on February 27th last, the following Members retired from the Council by the Rules :— Messrs. C. E. Benham, Walter Crouch, F.Z.S., F. W. Elliott and I. Chalkley Gould. They offered themselves for re-election, and were duly nominated. As Officers for 1904 the following were nominated : — President—Mr. F. W. Rudler, I.S.O., F.G.S., F. Anth. Inst. (late Curator of Museum of Practical Geology). Treasurer—Mr. David Howard, J.P., F.C.S., Pres.I.C. Hon. Secretaries—Mr. W. Cole, F.L.S., F.E.S., and Mr. B. G. Cole. Librarians—(Vacant). Auditors—Mr. Walter Crouch, F.Z.S., and Mr. J. D. Cooper