286 THE UREDINEAE AND USTILAGINEAE OF ESSEX: U. ficariae Schum. T. On Ranunculus ficaria, Maldon and Beeleigh (H.); Higham Park and Chelmsford (C.) ; Theydon Garnon (W.). U. scilliarum Grev. T. On Scilla nutans, Maldon and Woodham Walter (H.); on †S. campanulata, East Hanningfield (C.). *Puccinia galii Pers. U. On Asperula odorata, Danbury (H.) ; on Galium verum, Woodham Walter (H.) T. On A. odorata, Danbury (H.) P. lapsanae Schultz. AE. (AEcidium compositarum Mart., AE. lapsanae Schultz). On Lapsana communis, Beeleigh (H.) ; Galleywood and Danbury (C.). U. (Uredo lapsanae Rabh.) Beeleigh (H.); Galleywood and Braxted (C.). T. Same localities as uredo form. *P. calthae Link. AE., U., and T. On Caltha palustris, Witham (T. and C.). P. variabilis Grev. (Prob. AE. taraxaci Grev.). AE., U., and T. On Taraxacum officinale, Maldon (H.). P. pulverulenta Grev. AE. On Epilobium hirsutum, Maldon (H.) ; Epping, Coggeshall, Great Waltham, Writtle, and High Easter (C.) ; Witham (T.) ; near Broxbourne (W.). U. Maldon (H.) ; near Broxbourne (W.). T. (P. epilobii D.C.) Coggeshall (T.) ; Maldon (H.) ; Braxted (C.). P. violae Schum. AE. (AEcidium violae Schum.) On Viola odorata, Maldon (H.); on V. canina, Maldon (H.) ; Chignal, Great Leighs, Epping, and Witham (C.) ; on V. tricolor, Maldon (H.). U. (Uredo violae D.C.). On V. odorata, V. canina, and V. tricolor, Maldon (H.) ; on V. canina, Hazeleigh (C.). T. (P. violarum Link). Same hosts and localities as uredo- form. *P. pimpinellae Strauss. AE. On Pimpinella saxifraga, Pleshy (C.) ; on Anthriscus sylvestris, Coggeshall (T.) ; on Heracleum sphondylium, Rivenhall (T.).