A CONTRIBUTION TO THE FLORA OF THE COUNTY. 287 U. and T. On A. sylvestris, Feering (T.) ; Sible Hedingham (C.). P. menthae Pers. AE. On Mentha viridis, Maldon (H.) ; Chelmsford (C.) ; on M. aquatica, Maldon (H.). U. (Uredo labiatarum Lev.) On M. viridis, Maldon (H.) ; Leyton (C.) ; on M. aquatica, Maldon (H.) ; Tiptree (T.) ; Epping Forest (W.) ; on †Calamintha officinalis, Danbury (H.) ; Kelvedon (T.) ; on C. Clinopodium, Feering (T.). T. On M. viridis, Maldon (H.); Leyton (C.) ; on M. aquatica, Maldon (H.) ; Danbury (C.) ; on C. officinalis, Danbury (H.) ; Kelvedon (T.) ; on C. clinopodium, Feering (T.). P. primulae D.C. (see AEcidium primula. Varenne's list). U. and T. On Primula acaulis, Hazeleigh (C.). P. vincae D.C. U. and T. On Vinca major, Bocking (T.) ; on V. minor, Maldon (E. A. Fitch, Esq.). P. graminis Pers. AE. (Aecidium berberidis Pers.) On Berberis vulgaris, Braxted (T.). U. (Uredo linearis Pers.) On Triticum vulgare, Maldon (H.) ; Writtle (C.) ; on T. repens, Beeleigh (H.). T. On T. vulgare, Maldon (H.) ; Writtle (C.); the specimen from Wivenhoe under this name appears to me to be P. magnusiana. P. rubigo-vera D.C. U. On Bromus mollis, Coggeshall, Chelmsford and Widford (C.) ; Purfleet (W.) ; on Bromus sterilis, Widford (C). There is a specimen of this in the Essex F.C. Museum, collected by Dr. Varenne at Kelvedon, which does not appear to be mentioned in the published list, unless it is included under P. graminis. P. poarum Niels. AE. (AEcidium compositarum var tussilaginis). On Tussilago farfara, Speaney (H.); Walthamstow (C.). P. caricis Schum. AE. (AEcidium urticae D.C.). On Urtica dioica, Beeleigh (H.) ; Boreham and Springfield (C.) ; nr. Broxbourne (W.). U. (Trichobasis caricina Berk).